🌹ᴅɪᴩᴛɪᴍᴀyᴇᴇ ʙɪꜱᴡᴀʟ🌹   (ᴅɪᴩᴛɪ)
666 Followers · 257 Following

Joined 23 May 2019

Joined 23 May 2019

Patience,prayer and preparation for ownself modify your own version....


Time shows you the reality of both good and bad facts....


Sometimes result of some attachments are very painful but you have to survive like a normal person in that situation......


Sometimes result of some attachments are very painful but you have to survive like a normal person in that situation......


हर कोई ये समझाता है की
जिन्दगी में किसीसे कोई
उम्मीद नहीं रखनी चाहिए
अब इन्हें कैसे समझाये की
उम्मीद उनसे अपने आप बन जाती है,
जो दिल के करीब होते हैं I


जो तुम्हारे हैं
उसे तुमसे कोई छिन नहीं पाएगा,
और जो तुम्हारे ही नहीं है,
वो तुम्हारे कभी हो नहीं पाएगा......


Some realizations are painful
But it's acceptance makes your life survivable


Sometimes time tells you one thing.....

If you don't understand what happens in your life ,
see everything with a new angle,
you will definitely find some peace😊



ना तेरे सिवा किसीने
दर्द को मेहसूस किया,
ना किसीने ज़ख्मों पर
मरहम लगाने के कोशिश की..


those things that you can't forget.


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