Hóhangya   (Hóhangya)
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Joined 8 September 2019

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Joined 8 September 2019
12 MAR AT 12:33

You were the glass, I was a poison.
You were a poison, I was the glass.
Doesn’t matter, it happened in the past.

Nowadays we fill our own glass.
What we fill it depends on us,
like the past.
It was a poisoned memory,
Or not.

We were both of them.
Poison and glass.

We forgot…
Demons don’t deserve love.


7 MAR AT 23:55

The life is beautiful,
even if the rain is knocking on your roof.
Try to smile, try to find the beauty.
I know; it’s hard.
The beauty isn’t always visible.
Sometimes you should be a believer.
…for example the angel of death.
Nobody thinks her job makes some beauty.
What do you think?
Where is the beauty for you?


7 MAR AT 1:38

Az élet gyönyörű,
Akkor is ha ruhád elnyűtt.
Mosolyod legyen igazi,
Emellett, minden márka hamis.
Az eső esik, a szél fúj, de Te;
Hűen önmagadhoz.
Lásd a szépet, mit a hamis rejt.
Keresd a kincset, mit senki nem sejt.
Mosolyogj a gondokon, mert a nap átsüt a viharon.
Élj! Élni szép, s úgyis lesz sok-sok kezdet még.


7 MAR AT 1:17

Minden este csókot kapok.
Az éj sötétjének ajka a homlokomon.
Lelkem biztonságban.
Testem csak, mi múlandó.
Lelkem nem köthető láncra.
Sötétben élek,
Sötétben nevetek.
Lelkemmel sosem felejthetek.
Míg az éj sötét…
Lelkem a Tiéd.


7 MAR AT 1:11

I don’t want you to lie.
I don’t want you to hide.
I want to feel.
I want to see.
I want to understand; You.
I want to solve everything…
I want you to say what is your inside.


7 MAR AT 1:05

I see your face in the dark.
I see your breath in the moonlight.
It isn’t the same sigh.
I know, I feel you are…
You are my angel.
Who takes me to the dark.
You are who keeps me alive.
Your existence guards my honest smile.


7 MAR AT 0:59

We wrote our story.
We wrote our memories.
We wrote the pages of our book.
We made our decisions.
We were there and then.
We are here now.


29 OCT 2023 AT 22:17

He is sitting in front of me.
He wants to see my tears.
He wants to see I’m broken.
He is thirsty. He is starving.
I love you.-He says.
You are the most important. -He says.
The only. He says.
My life. He says.
I believe in him.
I know him.
He wants to eat my black soul.
I’m giving him.
I don’t want him to suffering.
Eats and drinking.
Selects. He rips it to shreds.
I’m at the table with my demon.


30 SEP 2023 AT 1:33

I took care of someone’s dream.
It was the same night.
Telihold; beragyogta az éjszakát.
Hideg levegő testem járta át.
Full moon covered us.
Her shiny and peaceful blanket. It was ours.
Gyönyörű volt, félelmetesen apró létünk, ott.
Emlék marad míg lélegzem.
The moon is the same,
We are who changed.


14 JUL 2023 AT 21:30

What is the life?
Is a lesson to never give up.
Always you have to stand up.
End of the road the death waits even for you…
Hugs you kisses you and takes away your this life.
Till you breathe and till your heart beats;
The best and hardest lesson to not give up.


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