Hitesh Verma   (Hitech)
728 Followers · 74 Following

Software Engineer✌🏻
Building YourQuote with ❤️
Joined 1 July 2017

Software Engineer✌🏻
Building YourQuote with ❤️
Joined 1 July 2017
4 MAY 2019 AT 15:19

He will be your Knight in the shining armor.
He will tell you that you are the
only beautiful woman in the world.
He'll never let you check your scars,
He might tell you that he'll get the
moon for you, just to make you smile.
He might not tell you the fights he fought
for you and the shield he's trying to be for you.
He will hide you from the world in his arms
So it can't give you any harm.

A better man would protect you with
all those lies, but I am not that man.
So I will leave you with
the burden of bitter Truth
that no one would like to believe.


4 JUN 2021 AT 13:20

Let you believe in the beauty of love
Or probably
Seize your ability to love again.


2 MAR 2020 AT 3:05

Dying is easy you may find peace
because you are gone.

But watching all of your loved ones dying while you need to be alive in this Cruel reality for the rest of your life is a Curse that gonna kill you
every day.


10 NOV 2019 AT 18:25

If you think it will somehow heal you by distracting from normal routine or to find answers of life out there.

Traveling itself is an answer, it teaches
you how to keep moving, how not to be
permanent but still stable mentally,
then you'll realize everything that's out
there in nature, rivers, oceans, diversity in different cultures is so beautiful.


9 NOV 2019 AT 20:32

पूछ कर तो देखिए,
हवाएं भी गवाही देंगी।
लाख कोशिश की उस पत्ते ने
अड़े रहने की,
पर उसकी क़िस्मत में
इस पतझड़ भी
टूटना ही लिखा था।


13 JUN 2019 AT 19:07

I have moved on from my crush,
But Damm you Facebook


8 JUN 2019 AT 22:49


Discreet from dimensions.
Portal to escape,
Portal to sneak.


31 MAR 2019 AT 20:56

The Ray of light flows through a diamond,
Refracting multiple times within,
And becomes the reason for its shine.


14 MAR 2019 AT 2:17

You'll get to know there's a world
you can detach from.


14 FEB 2019 AT 21:52

I am not just odd, I am Prime.


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