Himanshi Verma✍   (Himansiwrites)
790 Followers · 285 Following

Another homosapien who
thinks she can write
Co-author of book Close to Nature
Joined 13 July 2019

Another homosapien who
thinks she can write
Co-author of book Close to Nature
Joined 13 July 2019
17 APR AT 6:37

Everything was destroyed
In front of my eyes
A long while,
Now I am not afraid
Of anything,
When I know
Everything is Meant
To be destroyed
At last!


12 APR AT 7:33


My heart crave
So much love
As I feel,
I am so much
Empty now


31 MAR AT 7:21

A friend in need is a friend Indeed

Someone sent me
A prayer (song)
Many people sent me
Many prayers in the past
But they sent
When I'm not in need
But once I called
Someone, crying desperately
whoesoever the reason is,
She heard me well
Crying like an insane,
She heard me well
Wanted to hear more
And lectured less
Though I never
told her,
The whole story
I'm the poet
It's obvious for me
to hide things
And tell them
At the same time
I love to pretend
I can smile,
Make my armour
Looks strong
when it's not
Though I'm not, here,
To judge someone's prayers
But I really wanted
To write a
Thankyou Poem


28 MAR AT 18:33

Turning White

My hairs are very long
I loved them for so long
but now they are
turning white
still I love them
as they are
because a mother
always love
their children
They could forget
all the nourishment
they got
but a mother couldn't
hate it, even if
she was in old age home
instead of her own!


26 MAR AT 23:45

I am in no position
To write about
I stay away
Words, itself
My heart is now
Making me
An empty wall
Should I swallow
The tears,
the way
you swallow
My soul


22 MAR AT 0:25

I know people don't love me
not for the fact I am mean to them
but for the fact I am mean to myself
I can cry alone for a while
and laugh alone for a while
I can live alone for a while
I can feel free the word is
not stuck in my heart
no more, no more
I say stop to myself
though I don't like studying
Aresenic test,
I am studying for my father
but I like the limit test for chloride ions
So, it's a habit of myself to cry
for the things I didn't understand
With first time
I know people would not love me,
not for the fact I am weak
but for the fact I have some different genes
know people can't love me not for the fact I am clingy but for the fact I can't stand properly


20 MAR AT 3:44

I am sorry to myself
For not loving me
For a while
Though I have to
Take tablets sometimes
To be alive
The main thing is
I still wants to be alive


15 MAR AT 21:53

Still I , edit

I don't like
Editing my poetries
It's like
Editing myself
I can't bear
To be so fine..


2 MAR AT 16:28

We can be as unique as we want


27 FEB AT 6:13

Magic or Curse

I love the way
Paper burns
Not with fire
with unsaid words
Just leave
This pain
With them
They can soak
Them all
And be empty again
But how can I be
just by vomiting
Few words,
Even the wordsmith
Can't be empty,
When there's
They want their
Silence to
scream out
the way
No one can heard them.


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