Hima K Vasudevan   (Feather touch)
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It is all about scribbling your thoughts and keeping it close to heart ✨
Joined 2 August 2019

It is all about scribbling your thoughts and keeping it close to heart ✨
Joined 2 August 2019
21 JAN 2022 AT 16:46

Happy New Year✨
I know it's a bit late, but....

(Read the caption)


8 NOV 2021 AT 20:03

Painting is an emotion rather than a paper and vibrant colours.
It incorporate memories.
Memories of joy, surprise,sorrow,anger, fear and many more.
The artist himself get absorbed in that masterpiece.


7 NOV 2021 AT 0:18

Why does she love darkness?
Or is it the silence that she adores?!
Silence and darkness are intertwined.
Silence is a voyage to accomplish peace; peace of mind.

Darkness is often a canal to calmness.
It is the state of untangling emotions.
Maybe she was in love with darkness,
or was it the silence that she adores?!


3 NOV 2021 AT 10:57

Thoughts are often mysterious,
sandwiched between many.
Dilemma never dies,
even if circumstances change.
Take a deep breath and follow your heart,
it always points you to the best.
Wake up and chase your dreams,
conquer one and others will follow.
Build your path to the world of happiness,
which is invariably yours.


19 JUL 2021 AT 18:00

Do you also think the number of people we love and care in a period of time is always constant?
Some people who were there with us in a certain period of time will not be there after couple of years. The void they left behind in our lives get filled by some other. The earlier ones become less significant over years.
Only people change..
Yet the number is same...


13 JUL 2021 AT 13:30

I feel happy when I chat with my parents.
I feel happy when I revive memories and laugh with my friends.
I feel happy when I play with my 3 year old niece.
I feel happy when I deliberately irritate my brother to catch his attention.
Yes! Happiness lies in little things...


2 JUN 2021 AT 11:13

People often say " Do the right thing". I wonder, are the 'right and wrong' pre-defined? I realised I have been meeting expectations by doing the right thing and that right was pre-built by the society.
Now the time has come!
To do 'your thing' irrespective of the default right and wrong...
To do 'your thing' which makes you happy...
To do 'your thing' which help you to progress and give a meaning to your life...


17 MAY 2021 AT 23:50

Being born in a traditional middle class family, it was difficult for her to be receptive. It was difficult for her to express herself. It was difficult for her to be assertive. But she is. It suprised me whenever I think about the pain and agony she has faced. I wonder every now and then how beautiful her soul is. She is the epitome of love and she is my mother!

- Feather touch


26 FEB 2021 AT 11:36

It has been a blank page whenever I looked forward.
Uninformed about the content.
Anxious to know if there a wonderful tale ahead.
Still, I am writing my own story to consolidate with the destined one.


18 FEB 2021 AT 19:25

Sometimes, being alone helps to rediscover the heart and soul.
It is the time when we introspect the right, the wrong, the good, the bad, the desire,the crave, the acceptance,the rejection and what not!
Solitude regains the aura in yourself...


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