Hidden Waters   (Ink and Insight)
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Joined 16 March 2021

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Joined 16 March 2021
26 APR AT 14:15

Manners are a way of showing other people we care about them.

Manners are a sensitive awareness of the feelings of others.


25 APR AT 23:13

What is a prison without walls, where the chains are made of desire and the key lies in self-awareness?

The mind


17 APR AT 5:20

A clever ploy can outsmart the most formidable opponent.


17 APR AT 4:56

In pursuit of dreams, we tread the path,
Yet obstacles arise, inviting wrath.
For every step toward what we aspire,
Another challenge tests our desire.

The scales of fate seem out of tune,
As we navigate under the sun and moon.
With every victory, a setback looms,
A delicate balance in life's grand rooms.

But in this chaos, a lesson learned,
Resilience forged, bridges burned.
For what we seek may not be gained,
Yet in the journey, wisdom's gained.


17 APR AT 4:43

Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm, and harmony. - Thomas Merton


17 APR AT 4:41

In all aspects of our lives, balance is key. Doing one thing too much can cause upset, like the old saying goes, everything in moderation is the secret! -

Catherine Pulsifer


15 APR AT 14:35

Why did the DINK couple's grocery bill skyrocket?

Because they kept filling their shopping cart with exotic cheeses instead of diapers!


6 APR AT 6:50

Love isn't about rules. It's a feeling. You know when it's there and when it's not, and it can be brought on by different things for different people.


6 APR AT 2:34

In love's embrace, we find our strength, Yet sometimes love means walking a length.

To hold on tight, or let go with care, To mend our hearts, we must dare.

For love is not always soft and mild, But sometimes fierce, like a tempest wild.

To love oneself, to set boundaries firm, Is to weather the storm and not squirm.


6 APR AT 2:26

It takes strength to love someone enough to let them go, but it takes even more strength to walk away when they don't appreciate your love.


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