Heart Drenching Tales   (Ishu's_scribbles)
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Joined 16 January 2018

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Joined 16 January 2018
14 APR AT 2:47

Recently I feel like all social media has turned into LinkedIn -- Glorifying being productive and informative all the time. Come on... We humans cannot be productive 24*7. You can just sit and stare at the wall or sky, if that is what you feel like doing and it is okay.


27 DEC 2023 AT 1:09

Your kind of people?!

Listeners <3 They are the keepers.

Every human being yearns for someone with whom they can communicate easily and comfortably. Nothing special, simply someone who would sit and listen to our stories, our joy, sorrow and desires. Speaking from the heart is like sharing a piece of our daily lives. I believe this is what brings people together emotionally.


27 DEC 2023 AT 0:38

I find it in songs and scenes.


26 NOV 2023 AT 16:56

A few days back I came across someone talking about one of our strong emotions: "Jealousy"

"Jealousy is just on a surface level. When you look deeper, it can actually tell you what your desires are. When you look at someone and they have something and you feel jealous, it means that you would also like to have it. You can actually use this emotion to understand what you want in your life and actually work for it."

I've always believed that being jealous is a bad thing to do. Of course, it is. But, each emotion we experience has a core reason and serves as a means of communicating how we feel from inside. One can just make use of the emotions to understand the inner self and work on it to make peace within.


6 OCT 2023 AT 23:43

You chose this, so whatever comes in the way you'll have to face it. Be it joy or agony... It was your choice..


5 OCT 2023 AT 0:36

They say smell brings back memories, but doesn't identical agony bring back memories as well? This pain does not appear to be new; in fact, it appears to be extremely familiar.


2 OCT 2023 AT 2:51

I've always been careful that my actions shouldn't hurt anyone, even if they hurt me. I've always made sure I should never make any selfish decisions that could ruin another person's peace. And in the end, I've always ended up getting hurt very badly. For once, if I had put myself first, I could've saved many sleepless nights and restless days. I've thought being selfish and taking decisions based on that is a cruel thing to do. So I've stayed honest with my conscience because it never let me be at peace. This was the biggest cruelty I've done to myself. In a world full of mere humans, don't try to be an angel; your wings will be burned. I think it's high time we stopped glorifying or romanticizing getting hurt for others. Putting yourself first is the kindest thing you can ever do. Enough of all the angelic drama. If you want to be an angel, then be one to yourself first. Period.


30 SEP 2023 AT 2:09

How do you know you healed?

You no longer feel pain, you are just grateful for all that happened because it helped you to become a better person.

Zero regrets...


30 SEP 2023 AT 2:02

There's gonna be a lot of what ifs in life.
What if it happened, What if it didn't happen...
Things would've changed, I would've been in a different place, I wouldn't have gone through so much, maybe I would've been happier.

But the path you travelled and the pain you went through, everything makes you whatever you are today. Each and every thing that has happened and happens adds meaning to your life in a way or other. There's gonna be happy days and challenging days ahead, all these experiences will help you see and lead a better life. Embrace them. It's gonna be hard but eventually they'll surrender. One day you'll make peace with them and look back with a smile.


28 JAN 2023 AT 23:51

I am super proud of you. I'm not sure if anyone else would have come out stronger after going through so much in life.

After everything you've been through, I believe you deserve all the happiness in the world. You've matured into a stunning and confident young lady.



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