23 FEB 2017 AT 2:08

Today, I called you for the very first time. I was nervous. First call always does that to me. So what if it wasn't the first time we were talking? So what if we had spent the last few days talking, cooking, drinking, dancing, even grocery shopping together?

I complained to you about how boringly we have slipped into a relationship without the quintessential heartburn, the heady potion of uncertainty and anticipation. How there is no madness whatsoever. How you should have lingered & I should have waited. How it's the loneliness' doing and there's little love present. How the pace of it surprises me. A short text followed by a reasonably long meeting that neither of us wanted to end. It didn't for the next few days. You came & stayed over. Live-in first. Intimacy second. Phone-call third.

Things that begin with madness end in a mess, you said in response to my complaint. Does it hold the other way round too? Because the first thing you said after visiting my place was, "What a mess!" A beautiful mess, it is.

- हर्ष स्नेहांशु