17 JUN 2017 AT 7:15

The sun has risen. Winds have forgotten to sleep. Trucks spew smoke, a cloud of black looming on the road like black mirror. I log onto my Instagram. It's been a week since I did. Work, travel, you. Everything has been a battle last week.

Your picture shows up on top. We have stopped talking. Communication gap widened to a stage of no communication. I binge like your pictures. All of them. As if my likes were my words wrapped inside the white heart that throbs once over your picture and disappears. Like us. You're in the mountains. Trees and tents. I too am heading to a mountain today. In search of some solace, some sobriety. Probably, some escape too.

Tell me one thing. When both of us are looking for the same thing, why aren't we looking for it together? Can't we simply escape into each other?

- हर्ष स्नेहांशु