Harpreet Kaur   (Pens.and.pleasures)
71 Followers · 16 Following

An artistic engineer
Joined 10 July 2017

An artistic engineer
Joined 10 July 2017
18 APR 2023 AT 23:37

किसी की ख़ुशी के लिए
फूल बन्ना
और फिर ख़ुद ही बिखर जाना।


17 APR 2023 AT 0:28

मैंने तुम्हारे लिए रात बचा कर रखी है,
तुम आना ख़्वाबों को समेट कर
हम तारों की चादर ओड़ कर सो जाएँगे।


27 SEP 2021 AT 21:43

उस डोर से है,
जो एक ओर तुमसे बँधी है
और दूसरी ओर मुझसे,
जिसके एक ओर हकीकत है,
और दूसरी ओर
तेरे मेरे सपनों का जहां,
यह हकीकत और सपनों की
दूरी तय करते करते
जो धुन बजती है,
बस वही धुन है जिदंगी की |


24 SEP 2021 AT 18:49

वो जो मीलों दूर है मुझसे
वो दिल के सबसे करीब कैसे है|


24 SEP 2021 AT 18:47

कुछ इतना ही असर हुआ है
मोहब्बत का हम पर,
पहले ग़ज़ल पढ़ते थे
अब लफ्ज़ समझने लगे हैं |


8 SEP 2021 AT 21:41

"We'll go to our favorite coffee spot,
walk through the same old lanes and catch up life from where we had left earlier."


6 SEP 2021 AT 19:39

"About how you feel about us!"
"Would it have made any difference? No!"
"Yes it would have!"
"No, it wouldn't change the way you feel about me."
"Perhaps yes, because I already am in love with you, head to toe!
So even if you don't say,
Here I am standing in front of you and
Telling you that I love you more than
anything in the world!!"


5 SEP 2021 AT 22:52

I thought you made me whole,
I wanted you to leave because,
All the times when I reached out
for a familiar touch, warm words,
I returned empty handed
And on my way back I learnt
I was enough for myself!


5 SEP 2021 AT 22:42

A lot has changed around me, In me
And as I sit and think about all this,
Another leaf falls from the tree,
Making space for another one to grow
Perhaps, I need to do the same
So let me pick up my canvas and draw
the painting long due,
Let me fill it with colors of future, of hope, of happiness!


4 SEP 2021 AT 22:13

Explain the reasons,
Explain why you have been behaving
in a certain way,
To take one day at a time,
To keep yourself sane and going,
To not doubt your efforts,
On those days I want you to remember that
You are loved,
You are precious and
Even though it might take some time but
you'll reach there where you wish to be!


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