Hankuri Tawus Gaya  
4 Followers · 1 Following

Joined 5 June 2020

Joined 5 June 2020
1 DEC 2021 AT 20:09

A new month without a new heart is an abuse of purpose.

With a new heart you make everyday count.

Be a custodian of a new heart birthed by God's Word.


30 NOV 2021 AT 15:52

When you give because you want to get, you limit the capacity of our give.

Give from a heart of gratitude and purpose like the musical instrument and you shape the world.


30 NOV 2021 AT 15:44

We give not because we have enough or little but because Jesus Christ gave his all to give us life.

So we give as an act of worship in appreciation of God's love.


24 NOV 2021 AT 23:48

Live for what matters today and eternity.

Living out your God-given purpose makes this possible.


8 NOV 2021 AT 19:23

We sure will give more of our time, money and skills to reaching and discipling one student if only we can see their incredible potential and what God is set to do through them.

In one student lies the capacity to change the world.

Let's go reach and disciple one!


3 NOV 2021 AT 11:42

Great minds read books for they know in them there are unlimited treasures.

Small minds chat away their time on meaningless things.

Be a great mind!


3 NOV 2021 AT 10:28

Stop the EXCUSE. Get that book. Open it and read.

Why limit yourself while treasures are wrapped for you in books!


3 NOV 2021 AT 10:17

Reading gives you access to two great goldmines; the one in the mind of the writer and the one in your mind.

Not reading deprives you of the opportunity to access this treasures wrapped for you.

Read a book today!


3 NOV 2021 AT 10:10

Great readers don't go on break. The read more in the midst of busyness, for the know that the more work they have the more their mind need to develop

Read on!


12 JUL 2021 AT 10:37

People can give you positional leadership but INFLUENCE is EARN and it impact is far reaching. Go for Influence!


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