Geetika D. K   (Geetika D. K.)
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Joined 4 August 2019

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Joined 4 August 2019
11 APR AT 12:54

In life's voyage, directions may drift apart.
Separations may bring bitter chill !
But in the distance, beats the heart
Longing for reunion's sweet thrill !
For every separation however blue,
Only makes our reunion anti-blue !
Like springtime blossoms after winter,
Our love'll bloom in full, a grand delight!
So let us cherish each separation,
For it makes every reunion a celebration!


9 APR AT 11:02

A reflection of his love, pure and bright,
In his eyes, I am his shining light!
A work of art that'll never cease,
In his eyes, I am a masterpiece!
No words can capture the depth of his gaze,
For in his eyes, my heart forever lays!


19 MAR AT 19:23

Torn between a solar gaze and lunar whisper, Earth
Harbors love for both, and twirls in the vast cosmic expanse.
In the theatre of the sky, she is their romance!
Sun with diurnal claim and Moon with nocturnal sigh,
Both vie for their celestial dame, watching eons fly!!


15 MAR AT 21:10

In still waters, a lotus blooms,
Eager petals unfurling with grace.
Yearning for the sun's embrace!
A silent romance, pure yet unrequited.
But the sun, aloof neither knows of her allure
Nor her desire for its warmth.
Her petals stretches, reaches and aches for a touch,
To bask in his love, unmet yet hopeful.
Wishing for the golden glance,
One-sided dance, a beautiful trance!


14 MAR AT 19:39

In the Halo of the departing day,
Sun kissed whispers brushed her cheeks,
Evening drapes her in amber veil,
A girl .....


14 MAR AT 19:38

In the Halo of the departing day,
Sun kissed whispers brushed her cheeks,
Evening drapes her in amber veil,
A girl .....


14 MAR AT 17:41

A dance of give and take!
The pen, with deliberate motion
Pours its soul in the flood of blue.
While the paper, with a gentle patience
Cradles the tales of joys and sorrows.
A boundless ocean of possibilities,
In their tender dance of romance.


13 MAR AT 18:10

A poem, the vessel of this quiet night
Crafted in the Forge of mind's flight.
Words that dance, leap and infuse
Tamed by the tender hands of muse.

In space between the ink and the page
Lies the strength to dream, to love and to rage.
Muse, with your grace guide the humble fellow
Unleash the power of verse to glow.

For in the heart of the poem, truth is the use
And in its echo, we find the muse.


12 MAR AT 17:33

Notes of old, yet fresh
Whispers through the winds
Song of now and then.

Timeless melody
Dancing through ageless air
Ancient yet modern

Endless little song
Classic as the stars above
Fresh as the morning dew.


29 JAN AT 9:37

Flower, you are a beacon of light,
A reminder to embrace each passing day.
With strength and fragility, you ignite,
A passion to find beauty in every way.


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