Gagan Popli  
95 Followers · 95 Following

Joined 10 April 2017

Joined 10 April 2017
23 MAR 2023 AT 23:54

Maybe.. In a different life,
Under another set of stars,

Dwelling in different bodies,
carrying same souls,

We will meet in another world,
And share..
Not just the same sky,
But a home..

Not just memories,
But each other,
With each other..

Not just the start,
But an end too..


3 MAR 2023 AT 2:05

Dear best friend,
In case nobody told you in a while..
You can place,
Your tired mind on my shoulder,
Your tired heart against mine!
Tired you in my arms!

I am home to your tired soul,
Always here in times of woes!

I'll just not let you let me go❤️


25 FEB 2023 AT 18:15

सच के उन कुछ कड़वे घूंटों के लिए,
तेरी यादों की मिठाई लेकर रखी है।

हिसाब कुछ लकीरों का है शायद,
बदल नही पाए।
हम मिलते तो रहे,
मगर मिल नही पाए..!


3 FEB 2023 AT 1:07

सौ तकलीफों से घिरे पड़े हम,
तुम जो हाथ थाम लो,
मानो, हर दुआ कुबूल हो जाती है।
"बहुत खास हो तुम"!,
आज कह रहें हैं सुनलो।
क्योंकि , सुना है..,
कल अक्सर.. बहुत देर हो जाती है।


16 JAN 2023 AT 11:24

"Yes, there is a new beginning every day. But there is no beginning until you give an end to certain things.. which might have already ended a long back.."


7 JAN 2023 AT 0:51

"Love which is undefined love too!!"


5 JAN 2023 AT 21:15

"निगाहों पर पहरे,
बिखरी सी जुल्फें,
हाथ जुड़े,
और सिर दुपट्टे से ढका था।

पहली बार तो नही देखा था उसे,
लेकिन ऐसे पहली बार देख रहा था।
वो कुछ मांग रही थी रब से,
और मैं....शायद उसे।।"


1 JAN 2023 AT 21:38

Some stories left incomplete.
Some works are yet to be done.
Some more dreams to be seen.
Some things will remain pending this year too!
One thing should remain constant!
That's "enjoy this damn journey"
And tell yourself..
"Hi self..
Keep your hold tight.. I'll get you there......soon"


31 DEC 2022 AT 22:48

Hi friend..
For all the laughter and joys we shared..
For all the dejection and
woes we faced!

Today's the last day of this year!
And I want to thank you for everything tonight!

Highs and lows are part of life..!!
But it's a blessing to have some constants on your side!

You are my happy place.. anytime♥️

#Thanks for being there♥️


3 DEC 2022 AT 0:26

"Sometimes with our eyes wide open, we look at nothing but ourselves. And memorize about the time, we promised ourselves to do something so great with our lives. And now when we look at ourselves.. we don't even know the person we are now! But you know what, It's..okayy!! Life never goes as per the plans we make. Sometimes it's phase hits us so hard that - forget about success plans, survival becomes a challenge. You must win that challenge. Because sometimes, there is no difference between 'winning' and 'not giving up' on your problems, on your family, on yourself!! You're still a winner. You've won lives. Success will follow....!!


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