Esohe Ogunrinola   (Mozispark✨)
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Joined 11 May 2021
3 OCT 2022 AT 20:26

I have carefully constructed my feelings
Tutored my emotions in the way they should go
So that when battle comes, I'm out of it strong
Love, hurt, pain, trust, they claim it all

But then you come
Scattering my painstaking work, destroying my thoughts
You startle me, and with one they grow weaker
I'm trying so hard not to fall, I wasn't expecting this

Then you come
And throw me to where I've never been before
This is paradise, I can't believe that it's not
My feelings keep fighting, my emotions keep shooting but they avail to nought

Then you enter my world
Where I thought I'd almost attain peace
Can you see the inside of me? It's disrupting
But every word you utter my anxiety soothing

I thought I was doing fine with my things
Thought I was fine just the pain I was living
But then you come and release your potions
The ancients call it agápi, this one is very strong
It's so difficult to avoid it, I'm trying but it's contagious
Getting hold of my heart, it spreads and contact everything
I won't resist it now, all my calling for you to decharm me
I can't believe, my mind is in shock
In only a few hours you've captured my heart
In the midst of my chaos, you've steadied and calmed


23 SEP 2022 AT 20:24

And they said I couldn't live
And they said I couldn't feel, breathe, even exist
They said I was just an illusion, and that the real thing was far from green
They said I was a skeleton, a shelf arranged for meticulous bones
Oh their lies! Oh their fraud!
And continuing to give them heed is a choice?
They've sculptured a demon and call it fear
They've invented a villain and call him hate
They've crafted a deceit and call her peace
They've moulded a feeling and call it race
Oh when shall we halt? Continuing to give them heed!

And they said I couldn't walk
And they said I couldn't talk
But look at me! Happy, sad, confused, sure
But above that all, look at me: a result of their torture


12 AUG 2022 AT 23:09

I knew you were the sun
Blinding, my eyes got hurt
But I managed to catch a glimpse of your hot

Goodness and charming filled in your words
And I knew to call you perfection
Startling me out of my cage and taking me to worlds upon worlds
In your company is Venus found I daresay

Then you made the magic
That would forever leave me wanting
Destroying my foes and soothing my worries
Heart in a trouble because for a time it stopped working

When I saw you coming towards me,I knew it was royalty
All hail magnificence, Queen of Enchantia


1 AUG 2022 AT 15:44

I know He lives
I know He loves, I know He hears, I know He sees
I love to be, I want to be, I strive to be
Though it isn't always easy, each time I fall, I rise to my feet
As I try to feel, I am often faced with war!
The adversary, the one that makes evil work
Seeks to deceive, and then change my everlasting course
This is no easy battle! Attacked from every side, devil's rattle
But His words I can trust
"The power in you exceeds all" No spirit can have authority
The devil hath no power, in this earthly battle
Gird up your loins boy and shun the rebel
I love to be, I want to be, I strive to be
However imperfectly, I will continue till I win


9 JUL 2022 AT 0:04

Hurting those they've left behind
Causing havoc, the cure we cannot find
It's in the head and I'm all fine

Why do people weep?
Afraid their dreams won't come true
Scared of nightmares so we decide not to sleep
Anxiety and depression shape you

Why won't I change?
Falling for the same traps over again
I know they'll leave me hurt, I know I'll be ashamed
But the demons are too strong I attest, as denials takes her claim

Why do people leave?
Afraid to hold on, too anxious to let go
The answer in the core of the heart
They'd run out of love to function


17 FEB 2022 AT 22:02

Poetry of my Teenhood— % &


31 JAN 2022 AT 21:55


There's always a pain deep down
No matter how hard we try this cover up
Whatever it may be, the smile type, or frown
When we're being hurt from the ones we truly love
There's always a way out
Happiness is free
Look up, be still and have that shinning star
Kill the demons that want to take away your peace
Because no one's attitude should affect how you feel
Now take this: you're the best you can be!— % &


31 JAN 2022 AT 19:00


There is light outside
That lies ahead the rocky path
That is waiting to be savoured with your fighting smile
And you be crowned, receive a kingly bath

But not on my side
The demons show face by style
There is no green anywhere
Only shattered shackles of broken designs
Out is free, but bondage is seeked

She probably cast a spell on me
Which is frail, or I'm naïve
True, but yet doesn't match the case
Maybe it's how I am, how my mind is
Or maybe there's something special, different, I don't see

I have to move on
And love myself more
Accept the fact that I'm broken
And probably don't fall
But it's hard,
Especially when my happiness depends on her
Which is not ought to be

I'll accept my fate
Stay sober for two, five days at large
Get back on track
Because that's truly who I am
A conqueror— % &


31 JAN 2022 AT 18:48


Pain in my heart just won't end
Pain in my soul just won't stop
Tears in my eyes, take their gear
Full of emotion, every drop
What is happiness? That sweet feeling?
They say happiness is free
But I have to pay everyday to peace
What is bondage?
That I have to cry everyday to be free
I think the venom is contagious and it spreads through my veins, make me weak
Not just my soul but physically
I started, you caused it
I continued, now I'm picking broken pieces
I won't falter, I won't give up
Hope, my shelter, I have to look up
But I'm stopped in my tracks
By being too sober
And finally, your abyss is my home— % &


19 JAN 2022 AT 17:53


Don't open your hearts to doubts, don't be afraid
Don't go to the places that make you hurt, don't walk astraty
Don't listen to the voices that say you can't, don't be dismayed
Don't listen to the voices that tell you to turn your back on faith

You're just a girl I know, saddled with great responsibility
You're just a boy of course, trying to figure out who he is
But when you look with mere eyes, everything seems to fall
You feel incapable and your dreams are getting crushed

Don't go there, don't open it
Focus on the good things in your life
Focus in the good things of the earth
Don't let anyone put you down, focus on yourself


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