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Joined 5 December 2021

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Joined 5 December 2021
26 AUG 2023 AT 23:15

Amidst the tranquility that follows the tempest, we shall astonish them, unveiling the truth that victory eludes them and reside not in chaos, but beyond the edge as we step into the arena of strife.


18 AUG 2023 AT 0:05

Embrace your future with resilience, steering clear of succumbing to desperation and envy. As the master of your own destiny, navigate towards your intended destination, undeterred by impediments. Be the helmsman of your ship, charting a course towards success.


7 JUL 2023 AT 22:03

Life is an odyssey that never concludes. Our achievements are measured by the heights we attain and the obstacles we surmount. The foundation on which we rest our ladder is integral, as it can either bolster our climb to preeminence or cause us to falter. Our resilience, fortitude, and tenacity enable us to overcome the challenges of life and keep thrusting forward towards our goals.


7 JUL 2023 AT 3:48

The indelible imprint of history is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit - it bears witness to our triumphs and tragedies and illuminates the path forward with its timeless wisdom.


6 JUL 2023 AT 19:33

Even when the sting of today's minor abrasion is acute, it may be the harbinger of tomorrow's greater peril, making it preferable to suffer lesser pain than to risk the loss of a vital limb.


4 JUL 2023 AT 18:53

Marriage is a journey, and intelligence is the compass that guides it towards a future of shared goals, mutual respect, and endless possibilities.


4 JUL 2023 AT 7:30

Without a clear destination, we are like a ship without a rudder, at the mercy of the winds and tides of life's endless possibilities. Chart your course to navigate with purpose.


4 JUL 2023 AT 6:52

Without clear priorities, we become lost in the sea of life's possibilities, unable to navigate toward our true destination.


4 JUL 2023 AT 6:21

Covetousness is the most powerful ghoul, capable of clouding the mind and impairing rational thought.


30 JUN 2023 AT 23:47

Risk is a double-edged sword that can either paralyze us with fear or propel us to greatness, but it is up to us to discern and manage it wisely. It is a necessary catalyst for growth and innovation, a canvas that we paint with our lives, embracing it as the foundation of progress and the gateway to achievement.
