Ehtesham Khan   (ehteSHAM)
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Joined 26 May 2017

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Joined 26 May 2017
31 MAR AT 15:46

The calendar behind is of 2019
he was fragile and vulnerable. Each day felt like a struggle against the weight of uncertainty. Yet, within his vulnerability lay a quiet strength, a resilience that refused to be extinguished. Despite the challenges, he pressed on, finding solace in the hope that tomorrow held. With each passing moment, he learned to embrace his fragility, knowing it was the foundation of his growth.


13 OCT 2023 AT 22:14

When you grow so do your hobbies, from coin collection to collecting renal stones of my patients here is one of the biggest ever(>9mm) in my collection probably a calcium oxalate.
A true jewel in the crown (!)


6 APR 2023 AT 16:01

Year 1:

Develop a business plan: Create a detailed plan for your homoeopathic practice, including target market, pricing strategy, marketing plan, and financial projections.
Build your professional network: Attend professional conferences and events, and connect with other homoeopaths and healthcare professionals in your area. Join professional associations and participate in online forums and discussion groups.
Establish an online presence: Set up a professional website and social media profiles to promote your services and build your brand.
Focus on patient satisfaction: Provide high-quality care and excellent customer service to build a strong reputation and gain referrals.


6 APR 2023 AT 15:58

Becoming a millionaire as a homoeopath in India will require a combination of focused effort, dedication, and strategic planning. Here's a five-year plan that could help you achieve your goal:


1 NOV 2022 AT 0:39

Men may express emotions only in places where they feel safe, and where the expression of feelings is considered acceptable. Otherwise the male inexpressiveness is a rule rather than an exception.


30 JUN 2022 AT 23:41

کبھی کبھی آپ کا دل حالات سے ہار جانے کو کرتا ہے ۔
پھر آ پ کچھ لوگوں کی طرف ديکھتے ہیں جو آ پ کو دیکھ رہے ہوتے ہیں۔ آپ جنکے حوصلہ ہوتے ہیں اور پھر آپ کے تھکے ہوئے جسم می ایک نئ روح بیدار ہوتی ہے۔

كيسے کہ دو ں کے تھک گیا ہوں میں
جانے کس کس کا حوصلہ ہوں میں ۔


5 APR 2022 AT 10:35

You entered your platform, there is time for your train to left, you saw train is departing, a person is running to catch the train, you stuck there watching him, finally he was able to board the train, you felt happy and relax, you don't know why? you don't know the person, you don't know his journey, you don't know his destination yet you felt happy for an unknown human being with unknown features, perhaps this empathy is second nature to us, so much so that anyone devoid of it strikes us as dangerous or mentally ill.
Famous economist Adam smith once said "our species depends on empathy and cooperation, which means that we do better if we are surrounded by healthy, capable group mates. Taking care of them is just a matter of enlightened self-interest."


1 JAN 2022 AT 18:03

"The darkest places in hell are reservedfor those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis." -
Divine comedy
- Dante Alighieri ...
to those of us who haven't not yet immuned to stings of their conscience. ......
otherwise its the old ways ...old days.. always.....

hum ne halat badlne ki duwa mangi thi

ab badalte hue halat se dar lagta hai....


2 DEC 2021 AT 23:58

It's often scary to have a part of your heart outside your body.
My dear Yusuf your cry just shakes my whole existence perhaps the vulnerability of human infants have caused this much parental care,love and affections in our species, this is one of the miracles of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.I didn’t have a clue that loving you would feel so new. From the first time I saw you, I worried about you. I worried about me and your mum. I worried about all the little decisions I would make for us.
Your neonatal jaundice has been disturbing and has caused to loose my guard of emotional hygiene I'm no more big and busy Dr. Khan but an anxious father who is consulting his colleagues, seniors and anyone who can be helpful the only thing I want is to see you grow big and healthier I see more and more of the fantastic person you are going to be someday. InshaAllah

With all my love hopes and dreams.
Get well soon.


30 NOV 2021 AT 19:06

It's often scary to have a piece of your heart outside your body.


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