Durgesh Dubey   (Durgesh dubey)
10 Followers · 12 Following

Btech with mechanical engineering
Joined 8 May 2019

Btech with mechanical engineering
Joined 8 May 2019
5 APR AT 17:12

Choose everyday to forgive
Yourself .you are human flawed
and most of all worthy of love .....

....... cruise line....£ #@


25 MAR AT 10:10

कुछ रंग बिखरे है अल्फाजों में
कुछ रंग उड़ रहे है एहसासो में ।
हर रंग आज छु कर तुमे ......
घुल के समा रहे है मेरी सांसों में....।।

....... cruise line £ #@....


25 MAR AT 9:52

May god gift you all the colours of life
Colours of joy colour of happiness
Colour of friendship colour of love
and all other colours you
want to paint in your life ......

.......... cruise line £ #@


24 MAR AT 8:17

कर्म भूमि की दुनिया में
श्रम सभी को करना पड़ता है
भगवान सिर्फ लकीरें देता है
रंग हमे ही भरना पड़ता है ...

..... cruise line £@@


24 MAR AT 8:10

कर्म भूमि की दुनिया में
श्रम सभी को करना पड़ता है
भगवान सिर्फ लकीरे देता है
रंग हमे ही भरना पड़ता हैं ।।।

...... cruise line.....£ #@


24 MAR AT 7:41

we cannot solve problems with
The kind of thinking we employed
when we came up with them ......

.......... cruise line....£ #@


16 MAR AT 16:17

Something you just
have to erase the
Massage delete the
numbers and move
on.you don't have to
forgate who that person
was to you only
accept that they aren't
that person anymore......

........ cruise line _ #@@


15 MAR AT 2:15

doesn't necessarily Meen
being happy all the time

it just means that even
when you're feeling low
you know that it will end
and that there are better days
on the other side ....

....... cruise line £@@


15 MAR AT 2:06

It's time to just be
Happy being angry sad and
Overthinking isn't worth it
anymore just let thing flow
be positive....

....... cruise line £ #@


13 MAR AT 16:03

You make a choice
continue living your
Life feeling muddled in
This Abyss of self ---
misunderstanding or
You find your identity
independent of it .you
Draw your one box.....

...... cruise line £ #@


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