Doc Khorey Dey   (The Revelation of the pen.)
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Joined 19 May 2018

Joined 19 May 2018
10 JAN 2022 AT 3:09

Somethings are better handled by not handling them. Sometimes, you should just let be.

- Doc's pen


9 JAN 2022 AT 3:04

Faith is not leaving the sails unadjusted and expecting a divine hand to help direct the wind. Faith is adjusting the sails and preparing for the wind.

- Doc's pen


7 JAN 2022 AT 23:15

Instead of reciprocating the negativity, instead of walking away from it, why can't you just ooze positivity? Why won't you be the beacon of hope, instead of fighting fire with fire?

- Doc's pen


10 OCT 2021 AT 2:58

Let them nay-say.
Let them say,
while you continue to
make hay.

- Doc's pen


26 SEP 2021 AT 16:18

Stop stopping. Stop.

- Doc's pen


31 AUG 2021 AT 3:13

If life is to be perfectly defined;
it's a track ornamented with beautiful thorns.

- Doc's pen


31 AUG 2021 AT 3:02

If life is to be perfect defined;
it's a track ornamented with beautiful thorns.

- Doc's pen


22 AUG 2021 AT 3:44

If life is to be perfectly defined; it's a track ornamented with beautiful thorns.

You surely didn't bring yourself this far. Grace, God's mercies did. Your life has not really been about beautiful heavens and filled bellies alone. But you should know that, that's what life is. You shouldn't cower. You shouldn't falter. You shouldn't give up.

Like John Milton said; for every dark cloud, there's a silver lining. You'll get there, the end of the line. Therein no breeze will threaten you, no tempest will scare you, because you'd have already planted yourself like tree; impeccable, unshakable.

You're born and made to win. Let the feelings of triumph continue to course through your veins. Don't be deceived, because the path doesn't really reflect the destination. And it might be stormy now, but it's not going to rain forever.


16 JUL 2021 AT 3:04

Whenever life robs you of your hope, and deprives you of your giddy optimisms, always remember that the ugliest moments are mostly succeeded by the most beautiful ones. The same way the darkest hours of the night are always succeeded by the brightness of the dawn.

~ Doc's pen


15 JUL 2021 AT 4:00

Life will dispose you
like a disposable tissue,
Like a single leaf,
Wearily waiting for the summer sun
To decide it's fate,
Life will desert you.
Life will burn you
That your ashes will be
No where to be
Found, that your remnants
Will journey with the fierce
if you embrace defeat.
You choose
You decide
Either you stay a scary scene
That will eventually be stolen
By the armies of oblivion,
Or a phoenix that will
Rise from its ashes
To claim its place
In the heart of the world.

~ Doc's pen


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