Dipika Nasre   (©Dipika_Nasre)
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Joined 24 July 2020

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Joined 24 July 2020
1 JUL 2021 AT 12:27

Life is Unfair to Everyone Here

But Everyone Have
Their Own Choices

It's a Matter of Our

Who We are Now
What We Want to Be


19 MAR 2021 AT 0:44

हम तब तक ही
किसी बेडीओ मे बंधे होते हैं।
जब तक हम खुद
उनसे आजाद नही होना चाहते।


8 DEC 2020 AT 12:16

The Mountains Told Me A Story
That He Is On The Top
But He Has To Suffer A Lot
Facing Every Heat And Thunderstorm
Still He Has To Stand For You
Protecting Like A God


22 OCT 2020 AT 22:23

अरे यह कर्म चक्र है सबका ही तो;
भला तु इस्से कैसे ही बच जाएगा?
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11 OCT 2020 AT 22:04

I'm Not Afraid Of
Being Alone All The Time
What Really Frightens Me
Is The Absence Of Mine


30 SEP 2020 AT 15:09

एक चिडिया ने अभी तो
पंख पाये थे उड़ने के लिए
कि वो भी कट गये अन्ततः
इन हवस के पुजारिओ तले

के लिखने से क्या सब बदल जाएगा?
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22 SEP 2020 AT 10:48

Doing Different Things Than Others
Does it Means You are Wrong ?
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10 SEP 2020 AT 17:59

एक Post थी
किसकी थी पता नही
उसमे एक Question था
आप क्या चुनेंगे?
"प्यार या परिवार!"
मेरा सीधा सा जवाब है
"परिवार का प्यार"
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31 AUG 2020 AT 16:08

हा जनाब यह आजका जमाना है...
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Words from Old Diary of Mine


21 AUG 2020 AT 23:26

हा मेरी बेटी मेरी ही परछाई हो
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I'm not Married
This Poetry is for All Parents
Who Blessed with Daughter


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