dhanashree   (Dhanu)
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Joined 10 March 2018

Joined 10 March 2018
3 MAY AT 23:47


Wished upon the stars over million things,
If only all my dreams had its own wings
I wish to go on my own,
To somewhere unknown
Leaving behind all my worries,
And to create new memories;
To walk a long way without any pain,
To find my way to a cafe amidst a heavy rain,
A coffee in the hand, I wish to find comfort
In a song that I randomly discovered
In a crowded road,I find myself crushing over a pair of eyes
That resembled a frozen ice;
Penning a fairy tale in my head,
I wish to walk away silently ahead;
At last all I wish for is,
A heart that doesn’t hurt
A mind that doesn’t expect
May be a little bit of love and care
That stays forever..


12 APR AT 19:18

Just like the passing clouds, let go of certain things and wait for your sky to stay…


8 MAR AT 23:28

And every time I feel low, I miss that man who’s miles away from me.That man who would just bring me my coffee,keep it near me, pats my head silently and leaves every time he sees me not ok..Hey dad, missing you and your coffee a lot right now!!!


6 MAR AT 23:53


Attachment and affection over people,
Most scariest thing in this world
All those pages of your heart,
Where you kept writing their stories over yours
Not knowing that when they leave,you will be left wordless;
And when every person you were attached to,left one by one,
A part of you left with them,
The part that loved them for what they were,
The part that never knew how to handle their absence;
And at one stage of life when you look back,
You just see yourself in bits and pieces;
Despite everything you wait patiently even now,
With those bits and pieces of your heart,
For someone to come and hold them together,
And make a story out of it,which you will name it as
“ The one that stayed”…


19 FEB AT 0:22

All I need now is some coffee and my dad…


3 FEB AT 20:02

That few minutes I take in a day where I think of no one, nothing,allowing myself to get lost in music, singing out loud in my mind with all those wrong lyrics and smiling without my notice is when I realise enjoying one’s own company is a different kind of happiness..Few minutes of detachment from everything and everyone is actually good, isn’t it?


6 JAN AT 22:44

I look into those eyes of people that shine when they speak of their happy memories and end up feeling a part of it;
I look at those strangers who pass by and smile to myself just because they remind me of someone;
I cry for those non existing characters of a novel that made so much sense to me even for a while;
Attachments and connections,
I look for it in others,even if it’s temporary;
All those I know now may end up as people I knew someday,
But every chapter of them would be by heart in me,
For all their stories fill up my book,
And I would pick it up for a read every time I feel alone…


28 DEC 2023 AT 13:52

A Misfit
There are days when I feel like a misfit
Amidst the perfect peers,
I end up looking like a confused clown;
No grip over my emotions,
No clear mind to take decisions,
I bleed at the smallest wound,
I cry over the tiny falls on the ground;
I see people dealing life with a smile
And then there is me,
Still struggling inside my head
Fighting with my own thoughts;
Words are my companion,
Yet sometimes I end up in silence
When I look into the mirror,
All I see is a broken mess,
Where the scattered pieces never fits in anywhere,
And all I end up feeling is - A Misfit.


25 DEC 2023 AT 11:05

Days when you miss home a little more..Mom’s chatters,dad’s perfect coffees and your brother’s silly talks with irritating laughs!!


11 DEC 2023 AT 23:13

And there are days when you want to scream out so loud yet you keep faking smiles and suffer in silence hoping that the pain stops…But it never does..


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