Deepika Writes   (Ray of Hope)
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Joined 19 December 2019

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Joined 19 December 2019
25 APR AT 22:26

Commit mistakes

Reflect on the mistakes and learn!


25 APR AT 22:24

Where one has the power to choose
Commit mistakes
And grow with new experiences


16 APR AT 14:27

Your relationship with others won't HEAL your relationship with your SELF!


20 MAR AT 21:45

Hello there!

Who are you?
I am YOU
Said the mirror very differently
Seeing myself like this never before
Started liking ME and said Goodbye to the one who was not a part of ME!


20 MAR AT 21:39

Don't be afraid of doing things on your own pace, your own way
Afraid of being still and static as in where creativity comes to a zero!


19 MAR AT 14:48

What is success?

Success is liking what to do??
Finding ways to How to do ??


19 MAR AT 12:06

Do one thing every day that scares you,
You will feel confident
Do one thing everyday that you don't like
You will feel better tolerance
Do one thing that you complain a lot
You will feel gratitude


9 MAR AT 21:57

नारी हूँ मैं !
नारी हूँ मैं !

शक्ति की मिसाल हूँ मैं !
जननी हूँ , जीवन हूँ
सशक्त हूँ , साकार भी हूँ !
वात्सल्य, प्रेम, करुणा, सब्र, निस्वार्थ अपनापन, कर्मठता और सहनशीलता कई हैं मेरे गुण ।
घर-आंगन त्याग नया जीवन अपनाती हूँ ,मन में लिए अनेकों उधेड़ बुन!

बेटी, बहन, पत्नी कर्मयोगिनी और माँ - हर रूप में तत्पर ढल जाती हूँ मैं !
कम मत आंको , चलाने को देश भी चला लेती हूँ मैं!

मेरी लड़ाई पुरुषों से नहीं ,
उन रीति रस्मों और विचारों से है ,
उन उसूलों से है ,
उन मिथ्यायों से है - जो मुझ पर लागू किए जाते हैं ।
मैं कुछ और नहीं , खुद को समझा कर, अपनी एक नई पहचान बनाना चाहती हूँ।


9 MAR AT 18:28

Life which you are living right now, is the best life
The one which is about to come is more precious
If you start making present Nexus


5 MAR AT 13:09

Compatible to each other
When I say, it listens and make me feel beat
When it say, I listen and let it beat on it's pace


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