dave Abisoye   (Bravedave)
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Joined 2 January 2019

Joined 2 January 2019
8 NOV 2021 AT 14:04


I'd perhaps have started with violets and roses,
Noting their colours and rhyming with them,
But a quick glance at all your pictures and poses
And it's certain you're more beautiful than any gem.

Yhennie, your face is a treasure field inspiring
All the dreamy feelings a man can ever possess
I'm here for minutes, musing about you, admiring
In silence, and now there's an opportunity to address.

I'd love your perfection intertwined with mine,
Both of us craving each other like spicy goodness,
As we make a love as unbreakable as titanium
Your feelings foremost in a love we'll make flawless.

Yhennie, making you smile would be a daily goal
In fact, your happiness would be a lifetime priority.
At night, we'd dance in our arms in a love made whole
And as we wake, I'd watch the sunrise laud your beauty.

© Bravedave


12 SEP 2021 AT 17:10

I'd talk to a million whales,
Begging till they lead me to treasures
Long forgotten at the bottom of the sea.

I'd cajole my dog before instruction
To sniff and dig till it finds oil
So I'd sell all I own— little as it is
For that portion of land.

All my thoughts are towards wealth
As I've known the defeat of lack,
And its hands have held me by the throat
Even now, as I hope for better.

If I could talk to animals, I'd ask
Only for direction to human treasures,
A collaboration to ease both our lives
And we'd celebrate forevermore.

© Bravedave


12 SEP 2021 AT 14:09


Six feet below isn't the lowest a man can go.
Sometimes, dead men walking go deeper.
Mired in mud, we struggle to form a path
But descend deeper into the bowels of hell.

The monotony kills, though we live
And walk, and speak, and eat.
We even laugh occasionally,
But the soul is too dead for medicine.

Six feet below isn't the farthest a man can go
Sometimes, the dead are the fortunate ones.

© Bravedave, 2021.


23 AUG 2021 AT 15:04


I got a new girlfriend today.
She said yes!
Who knew bliss was omnipresent
And felt every second of the day?

Life was black and white
But the colours are now in bloom
And my dreams are in 4K
As everything looks beautiful

Love is beautiful, they say
And I'd sign any paperwork agreeing
Because even when some get sour
Tomorrow's love will still retain freshness!

So, baby, how do you feel?
Are butterflies fluttering by
As you go through a Monday
That feels truly like a new beginning?


1 AUG 2021 AT 14:44


August visitors bring smiles,
The surprise never wearing thin.
We are pulled into a world of bliss,
Where we appreciate the wonder of friends.

Now, August visits us this month,
Opening a pathway to happiness
If we'd embrace its advice:
Live without fear of not doing enough!
'Cause fear is one prison wall without edges—
It's round, and goes on without an end.
It's brutal, and we may never escape its hold.
It holds us back from walking through open doors
As we fear what waits for us on the other side.

This august visitor comes in form of a poem.
This poem—asking, pleading—advises a life
Without the cuffs of fear policing our freedom.
Live without fear...and you'll always do wonders!

© Bravedave, 2021.


1 AUG 2021 AT 14:42


Creatives live in a bubble of doubt,
Bound by their desires for perfection,
So every piece could need more polishing,
But satisfaction is never easily reached.
Why do we doubt our abilities—
Ones that have shone through years
Of work and dedication to our crafts—
From time to time feeling inadequate?

We are gladiators whose blades know blood,
Whose shields have felt the sting of blows,
Whose feet have found solidity in strange terrains,
Whose swings are natural killing moves.
We are creators whose creations are gods
Given life by the most blessed of minds,
Put to purpose by our most able hands.
We create perfection in every work!

We may be tortured by the imposter syndrome
But like gods, we never bow to inferior thoughts.

© Bravedave, 2021.


1 AUG 2021 AT 14:40


Love picks, then sparks.
Fireworks erupt.
Life feels like a playground,
And the hours melt.
Love shades are red,
So red flags are missed.
Our days are complete
Even if we 'wasted' it all.

Love is honey—sweet
And we take more and more
So the taste never leaves.
Love is a strange being
Randomly found
So we wait...and hope
For a chance to feel
This perfection called love.

© Bravedave, 2021.


1 AUG 2021 AT 13:50


This peacock struts and the world pauses,
Enthralled by beauty and glamour.
Weekly, she flaunts her superiority,
Assured we'll watch her perform magic.

Your shouts and screams are music to ears,
Goals and dribbles the litmus test for eyes.
Your colours and passion nourish our lives,
As we spend every weekend thinking of you.

In 12 days, you'll be back again on our screens,
Our hearts soaring to the point of bursting,
Our joys unboxed by our rectangle televisions,
Every moment to be cherished and savoured.

The English Premier League flies when all walk
She moves like a giant in a land filled with ants.
The EPL is back...and so are our remote controls
As we anticipate a fresh wave of beautiful football.

© Bravedave, 2021.


30 JUN 2021 AT 23:38


Humans—just humans—
Like every other on earth,
Flesh and blood and bones
With feelings like you, or I
Have ever felt deep inside us
Celebrate, to transphobia.

Sexuality, as innocent
As the purity of a newly born
Assigned without choice to all
Inspires hate as ripe as
Glittering colours on a flag
That gives hope in place of confusion.

When did being a man or woman
Equal being lovable as a human?
When did who I have chosen to be with
Start to mean I am less of a human?

© Bravedave


8 JUN 2021 AT 3:55


You are a butterfly
Thriving through metamorphosis.
You've become a Queen
Whose crown is in her drive,
Whose sceptre is the hope that never dies.
You've become a champion, Debby
Walking through the ashes of despair
To build an empire forged from strength.
You are unique, amazing, beautiful,
An inspiration worth kingdoms.

© Bravedave.


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