CN Narayana   (Dr.C.N.Narayana)
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Joined 31 July 2017

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Joined 31 July 2017
30 MAR AT 8:03

The majority of people are selfish. Instead of judging others, judge for yourself if the success of selfish people augurs for the good of the world or otherwise. You will find the answer silently inside YOU.


26 MAR AT 7:43

Irrespective of my surroundings, I want to shine like the full-moon inside and spread the light to others who are in darkness.


25 MAR AT 14:15

Let's add more colours in life and fill our hearts with love, happiness and our souls with peace. Happy Holi to one and all .


18 MAR AT 11:21

A mind without limitation and perpetual effort are key to unlocking potential possibilities into realities. Hardwork sometimes can beat talent too. Wishing the Founder, architects and the Team FCM a happy first Annual Day. May our vision grow to become a reality .


17 MAR AT 8:10

Traditional business methods can never take India to a growth trajectory. Despite the disruption statements of critics, AI is the only way to go closer to the US and China in the next 2 decades. That too, India grows with a 14% CAGR for the next 2 decades and the US and China grow at 4% CAGR. If India has to come closer to both the US and China, We better adapt and adopt AI and grow at 14% CAGR for two decades.


15 MAR AT 8:03

Melatonin magic in our glands is a God Given Gift !
Never deprive timely sleep, it is a precious gift. People who lost and regained know the real value of it !
Use comfortable bedding, blackout light and noise
Do not hang out in bed and eat in bed !
Establish proper time and follow it ruthlessly.
Remember, your next day's energy is recharged through timely quality sleep.


28 FEB AT 13:41

Emotionally committed employee build brands and organisations and not the other way around. Benchmark organisations take good care of such employees at the RIGHT TIME. In the absence of timely action, employees leave without a second thought.


27 FEB AT 9:10

Right now, this moment is golden. Love it and live it. My errors of yesterday's and hopes of tomorrow are just the past and the future. In between is the opportunity today and right now. Live and Love this moment.


19 FEB AT 13:47

When I grow more decrepit, my seduction towards ruins, old stuff becomes stronger like an antique lover.
The over morose rhymes and inequality voices don't change anything in the world
Will heavens too decay missing glories ?
Let the weeds and tendrils encircle me
To pull me into the ground. When cities are turning concrete jungles and slow extinguishment, like a life cycle.
Am I romancing with suicidal thoughts of material ? Is it a symbolic resolution or reconciliation to life and changes around us ?


9 FEB AT 14:10

Reduction of thoughts is the best form of selfkindness one can show.


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