CA Surya Teja   (CA Surya Teja)
102 Followers · 136 Following

Dreamer and Fullfiller!
Joined 1 November 2018

Dreamer and Fullfiller!
Joined 1 November 2018
22 FEB 2023 AT 15:39

We are what we say but most of the time we say what we are...!!!

You will understand this more when you are bitching about someone behind their back!!


5 JAN 2023 AT 21:57

The point is to do what you love to do and don't care what others think. Cause if you consider their thoughts, it will hurt your confidence.
I can wear a clown dress to a business meeting. Even if Everyone laughs/trolls me, my confidence level would be larger than that meeting room itself that I will definitely ace the meeting agenda.
PS: Just an example don't actually do that, that's embarrassing 😂


28 DEC 2022 AT 19:43

It's soo nice to take away our mind off from continuously thinking about certain people at certain times.

It's okay to forgot those who treats you like an option where as you treat them as a priority.

Healthy mind!!


21 DEC 2022 AT 1:58

Even if you are a mighty mountain, the fear of unknowingness makes you feel like a pebble!

It's as thrilling as scary!!

And that's one of the beauties of life.


14 DEC 2022 AT 12:00

It's okay to be feel low once in a while. Even the radiant blazing sun has eclipse once or twice a year.


10 NOV 2022 AT 1:23

You no need to encounter 10 different people to learn about people!!
You can stay with 1 person through 10 different stages of their life and still understand... PEOPLE!!!


5 SEP 2022 AT 9:23

Study pressure, work pressure, marriage pressure, Ex drama, family drama, society drama, financial pressure, body shaming, diet pressure etc etc

Just Breathe! And stare into void!!
Find your peace!!!


3 SEP 2022 AT 21:15

Sometimes I feel like I am not real, I am pretending or a fraud of what I am actually is...if I am not what my regularly interacted self is then...
WHO am I??


19 JUL 2022 AT 23:22

Things changes and then they ends.
We curse the change cause it ended things,
But the end is what makes the things beautiful & memorable.
For all we should understand, the change is painful yet inevitable.


8 MAY 2022 AT 9:50

Imagine a person that provides you their undivided attention, undivided care & unconditional love from the day you born to probably die.
They spend all their mind, time & energy or significant portion of it in shaping you for what YOU are today.
Probably that's how a person reaches a godly position.
They are mothers ❤️


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