CA Jaspreet Kaur   (Jas.K)
1.5k Followers · 42 Following

Thoughts become reality💫
Joined 13 May 2020

Thoughts become reality💫
Joined 13 May 2020
11 APR 2022 AT 14:45

Start spending your time thinking about how you feel about yourself rather than wasting it on what others think of you.


4 APR 2022 AT 20:46

I choose to trust myself, others opinion doesn’t matter

I choose to believe in Perfect timing, delay doesn’t matter

I choose to see a new way, the end doesn’t matter.


1 APR 2022 AT 9:47

Some connections are so pure that even without any relationship, you feel all the love and charm around them. You know that it’s not meant forever. But still, you want to continue as long as it lasts. It’s a beautiful bond, an exchange of divine energy. These connections are always cherished. The ways part, but the love and respect in the heart always remain.


31 MAR 2022 AT 9:15

They lied to you and you believed,
You harmed yourself and they continue to live,
Ohh, darling! why have you given others the power to decide your happiness, When you are strong enough to get everything you need.


30 MAR 2022 AT 14:40

Let go of-
The Comparison that aches your chest
The fear that blocks your mind
The hatred that shuts off your heart
The past that prevents your growth.


29 MAR 2022 AT 20:17

Don’t hurt anyone because,

The cut on the skin can be healed
But the wounded heart continues to bleed.


28 MAR 2022 AT 20:03

Your soul craves your love, hug it now.
It craves happiness, smile at it now
It craves conversation, talk to it now.
It craves peace, calm it now.

Now is the time, Don’t defer any further.


27 MAR 2022 AT 13:40

If you feel lonely, it simply means you left yourself in search of other people.


26 MAR 2022 AT 23:57

If falling is bad, Then why do we make a wish upon a falling star, Why do we want to fall in love?

Every fall in life brings new hope to rise.All we need to do is keep believing.


15 APR 2021 AT 15:48

Live in fear and get paralyse
Live in faith and get paradise.


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