Bittu   (Bittu 🧸)
1.1k Followers · 1.2k Following

Trying - Writer
Friends - All
Enemy - myself
Dream - poet
Desire - loading...
Joined 30 May 2020

Trying - Writer
Friends - All
Enemy - myself
Dream - poet
Desire - loading...
Joined 30 May 2020

Work and relax with your own decor
Gives you a proud and happy feel as we make our nest where, others sit and praise.


24 APR AT 7:39

இரவில் அவளையும்
பகலில் இவளையும்
என்று இருவரையும்
காம கதிரவன்
பகலில் புவியையும்
இரவில் நிலவையும்..


14 APR AT 13:17

May I come to pollinate the flower you are carrying my little flower?


14 APR AT 9:16

She is carrying the beautiful flower in her beautiful hand, and it remains in her hand without the mind to fall on sand.


13 APR AT 7:29

♥️One is thank you for
being a memory in my
💔Another one is my smile
for them without


13 APR AT 7:13

anxiety which overloads many hearts in the middle of darkness.


10 APR AT 21:44

I wither like fertilizer for someone who smiles beautifully by destroying me.


10 APR AT 20:19

The one who sacrifices their precious time for the other who uses them accordingly until they realise, will be happy person temporarily.


10 APR AT 20:12

M Malgova tastes wow
A Alphonso tastes aww
N Neelam tastes hmm
G Gir kesar tastes haa
O Osteen tastes ohhh


10 APR AT 19:52

Mango man mango man wait a while and sell me one.
Mango kid mango kid
Buy and have a sweety bite.
Mango man mango man look at me I am a mango fan.
Mango child mango child let me sell it sweet and delight.
Mango man mango man me one free fruit mango man.
Mango boy mango boy
Selling and earning is my choice.


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