BIDISHA   (Jasmine dreams🌼Bidisha)
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Poet,writer, reviewer,tarot reader
Joined 24 June 2018

Poet,writer, reviewer,tarot reader
Joined 24 June 2018
14 FEB AT 7:30

The fragrant vines entwining each other
Glowing in the moonlight casting a spell.
The dreams now bloom like the blue hydrangea creating illusions of a starry world.
Reality lost in wilderness shivers as the frosty winds breaks illusive dreams.
The eyes now see frosts around Soul shaken!
Yet stubborn mind holds thoughts for summer.


11 FEB AT 22:01

Provided your memories block you like a mammoth mountain😐


9 FEB AT 21:42

But Pizza is REAL Love 😂


2 FEB AT 14:36

Words tangle in the weeds of thoughts.
Emotion spurring, brimming wants to vent.
Yet frozen hands lying quietly
Awaiting soothing breeze of peace!


31 AUG 2023 AT 6:02

Synchronizing passion brew,
Fonder heart spreads -
Fragrance of blue lotus.


30 AUG 2023 AT 5:18

The truth of darkness stare with an abysmal deep eyes.
Sitting in the corner with a torn page I try to write.
To write about the story of light,
A story of fun,frolic and laughter.
A story of two people with one messed up hap once survived
A story that needs no encrypted codes
Only basic emotions sail smooth and life stays afloat.
The darkness now grows big the lit candle can be hardly seen.
Hope hurriedly steps back as the gloom now arrives.


21 AUG 2023 AT 21:55

Someone asks me to wake up early😨


4 JUL 2023 AT 3:35

Wasting words wantonly on a worthless woe,
Wobbling on a wrong way weakening the wall of will.


25 MAY 2023 AT 14:44

The coal tar melting on the road
With the allying sun.
The flora fauna screaming for survival.
The sun staring with all its wrath
The hurt gusping out like the molten magma.
Eyes blood red awaiting the rain.
The reign of scroching sun and sin triumph!
The soul parched stare in utter dismay -
Hope drifts aloof in one of the corners of the heart.


17 MAY 2023 AT 19:59

Petals of thoughts falling slowly by the brook .
The slow and fast trying to match paces.
The sun dips as the day passes on asking the moon to peep.
The hustles of morning never reaches the ears of the celestial stars!
The moon so dead inside still sheds it's light .
The world moves but most noises caused by our cars.
The dripping water from the corners of the hills too silently move
But the nonchalant thoughts now keep rushing - for the heart now longs to live more!


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