Bhavika Bhuwalka   (Bhavika Bhuwalka)
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Joined 12 April 2017

Joined 12 April 2017
26 AUG 2020 AT 23:55

Privilege makes it tiresome to have a conscience.


4 MAY 2019 AT 10:50

हम ये सोच के खुश होते रहे कि तेरी काशी ने मुझे अपना लिया

और वो कमबख़्त चिता के लिए लकड़ियाँ इकट्ठा कर रही थी


28 MAR 2019 AT 8:49

I hold my misery dear to me. If I find someone going through the same thing, I will not empathize. I will be peeved at realizing my sadness is not exclusive.


14 MAR 2019 AT 13:11

मेरा मज़ाक उड़ाने वालो से
मैंने दोस्ती कर ली

अब सोचना नहीं पड़ता
कौन मेरे साथ हँस रहा है
और कौन मेरे ऊपर


13 FEB 2019 AT 6:52

अरसा हो गया किसी को दिल का हाल सुनाये
अब इज़हार करना भूल सा गया हूँ


19 AUG 2018 AT 5:07

I saw you
Saying the unpopular opinion out loud
I saw myself
Thanking you silently
I saw you
Facing questions, trying to engage
I saw myself
Shrinking into the crowd

I saw you
Desperately looking around for support
I saw myself
Wanting to, but unable to speak
I saw you
Look at me for half a second

And in your eyes,
I saw myself
Prentending to be worried about the revolution


21 MAY 2018 AT 12:43

Do caged birds turn thankful on stormy nights?


20 MAR 2018 AT 0:02

I live in a strange place
It's not familiar enough to be home
Not cosy enough
But it's welcoming enough
For a passerby to stop
And ask for a glass of water


20 JAN 2018 AT 19:03

Dear soul sister,

Dark lipstick
Does not mean a dark heart
Who's to say the one's going to church
Have no dark souls
You'll too find a friend who understands that
Just like I found mine in Lurch

Your people
Might not understand your darkness
But they will choose to support it true
So be patient, my imaginary pen pal,
If I can learn to ballet in a black leotard
So can you

The Thing taught me to not be stingy with darkness either
Let it float around, and if it chooses to go
Kiss it, and wave at it from afar
There's no shame
In seeing a single light in the black sky
My meteor can be your shooting star

Finally, I wish you'd stop talking about turning fictional
In my one-dimensional world
There are no second chances
But I see why you'd want to run away from reality
After all, where everybody is dark,
No one is

Your friend
Wednesday Addams

PS. Never stop making pigtails.


15 JAN 2018 AT 0:15

अकेले और अहंकारी
हम पतझड़ मे दो पेड़ के तने हैं
और हो भी क्यों
उन ज़मीन पे साथ बैठी पत्तियों की तरह
हम कौनसा एक दूसरे के लिए बने हैं

बात करके क्या उखाड़ लेंगें
पास रहकर अपरिचितता की नींव ना हिल जाए
तू मत मान पर मेरा कमज़ोर गणित ये मानता है
क्या पता दो समानांतर रेखाएं
कहीं दूर जाकर मिल जाएँ


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