Bhaskar Prasad   (याyawar)
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Joined 25 December 2017
26 APR AT 15:33

गर्मियों के महिनो में चाय छोड़ देते हैं.
मौसम देख के मोहब्बत करते हैं लोग.


7 APR AT 16:50

There are many brave men and women.
Who cross the seas,
travel the world,
jump from the sky,
climb the mountains,
make breakfast in jungles,
dive into the heart of the ocean,
and fall asleep under a new sky often.
You may not do all these things,
not even one.
But still are brave.
Because you are hanging in there.
No matter what the hurdles are.
So my dear, just keep doing that.
Everyone is fighting a different battle.
I hope you win yours.
And I win mine.


27 FEB AT 14:00

हर रोज समेट के निकलता हूँ घर से.
हर रोज बाहिर कुछ छूट जाता हूँ.


20 FEB AT 8:43

मैं ढूंढता हूँ वो शक्श जिसे कभी प्यार नहीं हुआ.
मैं सोचता हूँ वो शक्श कितना खुश होगा.


24 DEC 2023 AT 18:11

This Christmas, write me letters.
For I want to feel your hand on the envelope.
And the smell of your hair when I open it.
I want to count your heartbeat in between spaces of the words.
I love how you write the letter Z,
The extended curves show it's not the end.
I always stare at your letters like a painting.
They say some painters try to hide the signs of the strokes.
But you are like the other kind who flaunts them unapologetically.
I touch your letters to feel all your anger and pain and love.
I imagine all the pauses and deep breaths
you must've taken to let it all out.
The only thing I hate though is your pen.
For being the closest to your mind and soul.
You once told me, pens and paintbrushes are like the magic wands.
They can pull out deep buried treasures of emotions,
which even you were unaware of.
Maybe that's the only kind of rich I wanna be.
So my Dear, just send me letters this Christmas.


27 NOV 2023 AT 17:45

कलेजा निकाल रखा था जिस कागज पर,
बारिश में कश्ती बना कर बहा देना.

क्या रखा है चाहने में, चाहे जाने में,
एक उम्मीद की लौ ही तो है, बुझा देना.

दो चार दिलो पे मेरी यादों के निशान होंगे,
वो था ही नहीं अफवा फैलाना, उन्हें मिटा देना.

एक दिन आएगा जब शून्य में मिल जाऊंगा,
मेरे सारे ख़्वाब समेटना और जला देना.


26 NOV 2023 AT 19:28

When are you turning 28?
In one of the science lectures online,
I heard every cell in your body changes in 7 years.
It's like becoming a completely different person.
Since you don't love me in this cycle,
I guess all I can do is wait and hope that you will, in your next.
But even if you don't,
Trust me my dear, there is nothing that will stop me from loving you.
Because in my case, I like to believe in a different theory,
That we are bound for 7 lives.
And if it's our last, there are more reasons to love you more.
I know we chose to believe things that work for us.
But whatever it is,
All I want to say is that I will wait.
I will wait till you finally realise what you mean to me.
Till the time you finally see yourself from my eyes.
And why I believe belonging together is our fate.
So tell me dear, when are you turning 28?


3 SEP 2023 AT 0:25

आज आसमान में अंधेरा है तो क्या हुआ,
एक तारा भी तो है.

अच्छे पल बंट गए हो हजारो में,
एक लम्हा हमारा भी तो है.

बड़ी कठिन होगी जंग जो जीत ना सका,
ज़िंदा है, बस हारा ही तो है.

लकीरों ने छोड़ दिए तेरे हाथ तो क्या,
तुझे खुद तेरा सहारा भी तो है.

भूल गए कुछ दोस्त सफर में ऐ "यायावर",
पर कुछ ने पुकारा भी तो है.

आज आसमान में अंधेरा है तो क्या हुआ,
एक तारा भी तो है.


14 AUG 2023 AT 17:52

भला चाँद को क्या मालूम,
एक चकोर क्यों तड़पता है.
सीने पे रख सर, वो पूछती है,
ये दिल क्यों तेज़ धड़कता है ?


29 JUL 2023 AT 18:15

किसी को ना भूल पाने का दर्द कैसा होता है?
मानो इक तस्वीर दिल की दीवार पे टंगी हो,
और कील अंदर तक चुभती हो.


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