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Joined 30 June 2017

Joined 30 June 2017

Day 239

Being kind is important.
But being able to say out loud "I am done being nice", is also important.


30 APR AT 23:34

Day 238

We are being taught to measure the depth of love and affection we receive or reciprocate by the extent of lavishness we get to experience or show to others.
But does it need to be that?
Someone putting an effort to make us feel special despite all their limitations should be the actual measurement of love and affection; not the materialistic value we are being taught to attach it with.


29 APR AT 23:07

Day 237

Some people show up and give you hope just when you feel that there is no one to rescue you from despair.
Treasure such people.


28 APR AT 23:26

Day 236

Judging every small thing we do, criticizing every opinion of ours, being careless of our feelings, always trying to prove how we can never be a better person and claiming that they all do this because they love and care about us is really not caring or loving; it is called manipulating.


28 APR AT 0:02

Day 235

You can never convince a person who made it their mission to doubt you and belittle you no matter how hard you try.


26 APR AT 0:00

Day 234

You need not always be the super hero; it is okay to lay back and let it be, doing nothing.


24 APR AT 23:32

Day 233

If you can say without a doubt that the person is right for you, choose the relationship over ego. Always.


23 APR AT 23:39

Day 232 :

Lord Hanuman agitated a sage in his childhood who cursed him that he will forget his super powers unless someone reminds him again. He was hesitant to fly across the ocean and reach Lanka to search Sita as he doubted his own capability. It was when Jambavantha reminded him did he remember again and what followed next is history.
Sometimes, we too are like him; like Lord Hanuman. We have been wrongly tuned so much that we doubt our capabilities and refuse to even try. Sometimes it takes a situation or a Jambavantha to remind us that we too are capable. And when nobody believes you, become your own Jambavantha and go ahead; for as the saying goes, 'fortune always favours the brave'.


23 APR AT 23:38

Day 232 :

Lord Hanuman agitated a sage in his childhood who cursed him that he will forget his super powers unless someone reminds him again. He was hesitant to fly across the ocean and reach Lanka to search Sita as he doubted his own capability. It was when Jambavantha reminded him did he remember again and what followed next is history.
Sometimes, we too are like him; like Lord Hanuman. We have been wrongly tuned so much that we doubt our capabilities and refuse to even try. Sometimes it takes a situation or a Jambavantha to remind us that we too are capable. And when nobody believes you, become your own Jambavantha and go ahead; for as the saying goes, 'fortune always favours the brave'.


19 APR AT 23:16

Day 229: Some people walk away for good.
Some people walk in and never leave.
And then there are the other kind.
People who walked away a long time ago, whom you thought left for good and in fact whom you forgot about, except for a few vivid memories of them.
And then they walk in again. Unexpectedly.
You don't remember the reason you quit on each other, in fact you don't care, for now you know for sure why it feels like it was just yesterday that you met them.
It feels awkward, but mind you, it is a good awkward.
You both laugh at how silly the past had been and how it ruined your chances of being together and pushed you years apart instead. You regret but you are also determined.
Because this time it is not about walking away, it is about figuring out about the ways to stay in.


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