Bennett Abhi   (Abhi)
293 Followers · 361 Following

Spread the love everywhere as much you can...
Joined 1 March 2017

Spread the love everywhere as much you can...
Joined 1 March 2017
8 MAR AT 10:23

In honor of women, strong and bright, Their courage shines, a guiding light. With grace and wisdom, they lead the way, Celebrating them on this special day.

Empowering hearts, they touch and inspire, Their resilience fuels every desire. In every role, they stand tall and true, To women everywhere, we honor you.
Happy women's day 🌸💕


31 DEC 2023 AT 20:04

In the realm of time, a new year's dawn,
A heartfelt wish, a sentiment drawn.
To all I know, and those yet to find,
May joy and kindness in our hearts be entwined.

In the tapestry of moments, mistakes we find,
Unknowingly made, a sincere, remorseful bind.
For any hurt caused, a heartfelt plea,
Forgiveness sought in this symphony.

To friends of now, and those yet to greet,
May understanding bloom, sweet and fleet.
In the canvas of life, mistakes may paint,
But love and apologies, our bonds won't taint.

So here's to the future, a canvas unwritten,
With friendships cherished, no bitterness bitten.
Happy New Year to all, let kindness steer,
A journey of joy, together, my dears. ❤️❤️


6 DEC 2023 AT 22:13

"In the pursuit of easing others' troubles, losing oneself is an unforeseen toll. 🌪️"


4 DEC 2023 AT 12:16

"Treat me with the respect you desire, or prepare for the echoes of unintended consequences."


17 NOV 2023 AT 20:47

No room for hate 🤍

Beneath the sky, where dreams ignite,
No room for hate, let kindness light.
In every heart, a melody to share,
For love's the answer, a balm so rare.

In this journey where paths may cross,
No hatred blooms, just lessons to gloss.
With empathy's touch, wounds slowly heal,
No room for hate, let compassion zeal.

In the tapestry of life, threads so fine,
No need for hatred's dark design.
For in each soul, a spark does gleam,
Choose love's dance, let it be the theme.


18 SEP 2023 AT 21:49

In the realm of interaction, here's the gist,
"Dept of Act" reflects what can't be missed.
If you're ignored, don't hesitate or wait,
Respond in kind, it's the mutual trait.


6 AUG 2023 AT 21:47

In the book of life, a chapter bright,
Friends etched in gold, pure and light.
With laughter as the ink that flows,
A bond that only deeper grows.

Through challenges faced, and joys embraced,
In each other's hearts, a special place.
On this Friendship Day, let's raise our voice,
To the unbreakable bond that we rejoice.

Happy friendship day to my all dearest..❤️❤️


6 AUG 2023 AT 12:44

No best friend, yet friends aplenty,
Together we share moments, oh so plenty.
Happy Friendship Day, to each and every one,
In our friendship web, we all are spun.
Different souls with stories to unfold,
In this friendship tapestry, a treasure to hold. ❤️❤️


23 JUN 2023 AT 22:37

Sweetheart, your presence is a symphony that orchestrates serenity in my soul. Your love paints vibrant colors on the canvas of my life, and I cherish every moment spent in your embrace.


23 JUN 2023 AT 22:33

Sweetheart, with every breath I take, my love for you grows deeper. You are the missing piece of my heart, and being with you makes life an enchanting journey.


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