BatTikvah   (BatTikvah)
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Joined 29 January 2019

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Joined 29 January 2019
31 AUG AT 22:53

If Yeshua/Jesus lives in us,
we should be living
and acting
like Him.


25 AUG AT 3:02

Yeshua/Jesus said,
"if you love Me, you will keep My commands."
He also said,
"whoever has My commands and keeps them
is the one who loves Me,
and the one who loves Me will be loved by My Father,
and I will love Him and reveal myself to Him." John 14

It seems to me to be very important to
know what His commands are.
If we don't know what they are,
we can't keep them.


7 AUG AT 7:19

When living the lie is more convenient
than living the Truth,
you will conveniently
blind yourself to the Truth.


7 AUG AT 7:13

You will never see the Truth
so long as you're in love with the lie.


7 AUG AT 7:08

Jesus = God
the Bible = God's Word
the Bible = Jesus' Words
everything written in the Bible comes from Jesus,
including all laws, commands, and statutes.

when Jesus says to obey all His commands,
that means wherever they are found in the Bible.

"If you love Me, you will keep My commandments."
"Do not think I came to abolish the law or the prophets,"
John 5:17a
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
Hebrews 13:8


25 JUL AT 8:31

Most promises in the Bible
start with the word 'if'.
They are conditional and
NOT automatically granted.
If we've not been told that,
then we've not been told the Truth.
If we truly want to be assured
of our eternal destination,
we need to read it for ourselves
and make sure we know the Truth.
Don't gamble with eternity!


21 JUL AT 1:27

Are you condemning others?
Or are you storming Heaven
on their behalf?

If it was you,
what would you want
done for you?


21 JUL AT 1:01

When I'm able to help meet
someone's needs and
the ONLY reason I don't is
because 'I' don't understand
why they need it,
or because it's not
something 'I' need,
or it's inconvenient,
aren't I being selfish?


21 JUL AT 0:45

There is a huge movement of the Spirit/Ruach
of God/Elohim all around the world.
Many Jewish people are starting to
acknowledge Yeshua as Messiah.
Many gentiles are starting to recognize
Jesus/Yeshua is Jewish and the importance
of obeying the Law,
as Yeshua commanded us to do.
They're coming to realize that,
as part of Yahweh,
Yeshua wrote the Biblical Torah,
which contains the Law and, therefore,
the Law is part of Yeshua's commands.
Hallelu Yah!


14 JUL AT 20:48

Everyone has some truth.
Some people have a lot of truth.
But very few people, if any, have
all the truth regarding any subject.

It is entirely possible to see the "bigger" picture
and yet still be missing a key piece of it.
So, be careful about who you believe and who you follow.

Lean hard into the One who does know everything.
He created the universe and is all-powerful and all knowing.
He is Elohim and His name is Yahweh.
His Son's name is Yeshua/Jesus.
If you really want to understand what's going on in the world,
you need to have a real relationship with Him.


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