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Living. Learning.

do check out my clicks and sketches!
#azclicks #az_sketches
Joined 5 July 2020

Living. Learning.

do check out my clicks and sketches!
#azclicks #az_sketches
Joined 5 July 2020

And everytime that I fall,
Allah (swt) saved me.


4 MAY AT 9:51

Don't allow yourself to
Go back to your old habits,
That you tried hard to change.
Don't go back to the fancies,
That were the reason
For your breakdown.
Try to be what you are today,
Try to be better than that.


3 MAY AT 19:07

You are capable of doing
Everything that you think
You cannot do.🤍


3 MAY AT 18:52

You have successfully completed and presented
Your Dissertation in
The final year.


3 MAY AT 18:48

I long for attachment,
At the same time, I fear attachment.
Because when the person leaves,
It breaks my heart into pieces.


3 MAY AT 18:43

How can I be enough grateful to Allah (swt),
How do I thank him for always
Saving me, protecting me,
Turning my hardships into miracles.
He is everything that I have,
He is everything I need.
Alhumdulillah for everything🤍
Always Grateful for everything.


27 APR AT 12:27

When you finally realise that
Happiness is not about,
"It's my life, my rules",
Rather it's more about
Everybody's life, Everybody's rules
So that ultimately all
Mankind can live peacefully.

You need to realise, that
Happiness doesn't come from
Being self-centered and selfish,
Happiness comes from helping,
Being kind, and sharing and caring🤍


26 APR AT 14:07

Being biased by voting
For someone who promotes
Hate and inequality disguising
In the name of Religion, and thinks
Can secure maximum votes
By brainwashing the public.

Showing your power of being a citizen.
Not allowing your country
To fall into the venomous clutches
Of the hate mongers whose
Only concern is religion and casteism
Rather than looking after the welfare
And development of the country.


26 APR AT 13:22


26 APR AT 12:14

The azaan feels like a
Medicine to my wondering soul,
Filling my heart with peace and calmness.


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