Awosika Samuel   (S.O.A)
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The man in the mirror is my only friend
Joined 18 February 2019

The man in the mirror is my only friend
Joined 18 February 2019
14 MAR AT 9:33

I'm not that easy to beat
And I won't accept defeat
All the achievement in this world won't be enough until you enjoy me sweeping you off your feet.


23 FEB AT 19:52

Seize the moment
so you can keep it as a memory
Capture the memory
So you can always tell the story.


18 FEB AT 12:41

In the garden of my soul, a sun resides,
Casting its golden rays far and wide.
Behind my smile, its warmth abides,
A beacon of hope, where joy resides.

With each dawn, it gently wakes,
Painting the sky with hues it makes.
In the whispers of morning, its light cascades,
A promise of brightness, in every shade.

Behind my smile, the sun does rise,
Chasing away shadows with its radiant eyes.
In the dance of laughter, its rays entwine,
A symphony of happiness, forever mine.

Through storm and calm, it steadfast gleams,
A constant companion in my dreams.
Behind my smile, its brilliance beams,
A reminder of strength, in life's extremes.


18 FEB AT 12:35

Love is one of the hardest debt to repay,
one of the hardest bargain you'll make,
Love will trigger the greatest emotions you'll ever feel.
Love will make you the most selfish you'll ever be.

For we all are selfish at best,
he who finds love never becomes selfless at all,
they only suppress the guilt in place of what they feel.


16 FEB AT 19:13

Nothing in life is a coincidence

Let this subtly be your confidence

For in life everyday there's an incident

Some eventually become accidents

And some become a signal
that God's blessing is imminent.

So never forget that the blessings of the lord come to us as a gift and not as a reward.

For sunlight or rainfall do not come as a reward for the planting that may have been done.

They come as a gift to everyone,bringing harvest along,only as a little reward.


11 FEB AT 16:04

Success in life is not dependent on God

But success from God is the best thing for your life.


10 FEB AT 10:08

I'm not saying I'm a poet
Not saying I'm the best
But when I grab my pen
Others become the rest.

When I grab my pen
I swing in full motion
And with everything I write
I'm in touch with my emotion.


10 FEB AT 10:04

I'll always love you
In this world and anyone after
I'll live everyday for you
And leave the fear of death for later
I have nothing to fear
I've slowly become a warrior
I fight through everyday
Loving you all the way.


24 JAN AT 2:02

I'm on a long journey with only death in my pocket
So if that's what these bandits would rather take
I guess we can all journey together to the destination.


16 JAN AT 1:46

The race of life is not a horse race
The race of life has no dimensioned track
Don't get trapped in the wrong race.


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