avinash saraf   (AS)
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Shy, Witty, Sarcastic, Incisive and Inquisitive
Joined 25 March 2018

Shy, Witty, Sarcastic, Incisive and Inquisitive
Joined 25 March 2018
29 NOV 2021 AT 16:59

I wish to say I don't care
But that would be a lie
Direct on your face

I want to say I little care
And that would be a truth
Coming straight from my fate


25 NOV 2021 AT 18:35

Anxious Owl

Sat on the branch of gulmohar tree,
He saw all around with glee.
Acknowledging people passing by,
Owl was happy and weather was dry.
All was going as time was passing,
He got anxious about clown trespassing.
No one knew how clown joined,
In the park where owls rejoiced.
Clown with big round eyes and crooked smile,
Take a round of Gulmohar like senile.
Owl was frightened of those eyes,
Wondering what was behind those dye.
Often he looked around the clown,
Hoping he would disappear seeing him frown.
Long it went like that somehow,
Owl was getting anxious day in and out.
Until one day owl didn't move,
Looking at clown in his groove.
Anxious owl looked him in the eyes,
Shattering all sweat glands with all his might.
No more fear he could feel now,
Owls stay with clowns with gulmohar around.


7 OCT 2021 AT 6:32

तिनका तिनका जोड़ कर मकान बनाया,पर घर न बना सके
अपनो को कष्ट देकर सब पाया, पर मंजिल न पा सके
कैसा समय है कैसी दौड़
जो हम चाहते हैं आप न दे सके
जो आप चाहते हो हम न दे सके
आँसु बहा कर मन को समझाया
पर कहा मानता है यह दिल
जीने का प्रयास कर रहे है
पर क्या जी रहे है हम
किस दुविधा में खड़े है सभी
कहा जाना चाहते है यहा से
पर एक बात हैं साफ बदलाव चाहता है दिल
रहे गए अगर यहाँ हम तो खुशी से नहीं रह पायेंगे
भुलाने का प्रयास है वो बचपन कि यादें
वो भूली बिसरी बातें, पर क्या भूल पायेगा मेरा दिल


1 OCT 2021 AT 12:00


Look at that empty vessel on the chair
Sitting wondering where to go
Have no where to go and no one to talk
But he is happy pondering over
Wondering where the life will lead next
Happiness has been evasive in the past
But now all he seeks is happiness.


30 SEP 2021 AT 19:59

Wait for the light oh sweetheart,
Even in despair.
What choice you have,
Then to wait and stay.
World is teaching you lessons,
Every passing day.
Hoping you to shape in diamond
From the dust of clay.
It was hard to be strong
Until being strong is the only choice.
You keep walking in this darkness
With the hope in astray.


30 SEP 2021 AT 13:49

Choices Choices everywhere,
Not the one that fit in all.
Some looks bizarre,
Some looks tempting,
Who will tell what's the right path.
Time has come to decide
What is the one you wish to move forth
Coming back the path you forego
Would not be always feasible.
God gives me right path
That I will always cherish.
Won't regret the path I will take,
That fit in the whole picture.


21 SEP 2021 AT 19:59

You find yourself
Hiding in those words,
Finding meaning of
Your sheer existence.
Reasons for the pain and confusion,
Leading to the unknown land.
Reassuring the doubts and troubles
Tossing in your head
The burning fire of who I am
Keeps you wide awake.


4 SEP 2021 AT 20:57

I met someone quiet,
Quieter than a desert road
Oozing of calmness and
That peaceful twinkling eyes
They heard me blabber
Telling my life story
Taking enough interest
In a most non invasive way
That smile that went eyes to eyes
And that shy demeanour
Such meeting leave you craving
For more things to say
And as we parted ways
They left a part of them
As I left a part of me
In those moments at that place.


21 FEB 2021 AT 21:27

The feeling of contentment after the hustle


16 APR 2020 AT 2:21

Word Rush

Thousand words left stranded,
Rushing with the blood in vein.
Overwhelmed and unattended,
Churning with callous abstain.

Mindless sweet nothing
Surfacing in innocent exchange.
Uncountable yearn appearing,
Hiding behind tattered grace.

Onus of the fatal slippage
Falling on baffled brain.
Erst the conscious page
Pointing forth heart in vain.


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