Ashin Godswill Samson   (Godswill Ashin)
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An Optimist
Joined 26 June 2022

An Optimist
Joined 26 June 2022
1 MAY AT 12:30

People's opinion have a way of knocking us into a box.
Remaining in the box solely depends on you.
Set yourself free.


28 APR AT 10:31

Some day you'll look back and appreciate God for the hurdles and valleys you met on your traverse through life .


28 APR AT 10:01

As you traverse in this journey called life, keep picking those little, little stones that made you stumble and those ones thrown at you. You'll need them for the building ahead.


23 APR AT 1:26

Each waking day reminds me that we are still on a que. The line keeps reducing ahead of us, and some day it'll be our turn to leave. So while you wait, create an atmosphere of peace, reconcile and love more.


20 APR AT 1:37

Whatever you are so keen to see on someone whether good or bad, that's exactly what that person will continue to be in your eyes.


13 APR AT 19:11

When you help in your neighbour's farmland, God will send labourers to cultivate yours for you.


11 APR AT 23:51

Whatever opportunity you have to do anything, act as though it's your last. Don't forget to exude a good pose to any picture you snap too. You never can tell which will be used for your MEMORIES.


11 APR AT 17:35

As you grow older, it's good for your sanity to not try to change anyone.
People only change when they chose to.
Just change your strategy of dealing with them.


6 APR AT 6:53

The battle against FLESH is the fiercest of all battles. The man who killed a lion with his bare hands and struck down the strongest giant could not muster the prowess to resist the bathing woman.
Let's learn from Him.


3 APR AT 4:18

Appreciate today those little things you consider insignificant, some day you'll wake up to the realisation that they were actually the things that truly matter.


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