Ashay Choudhary   (Ashay)
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Joined 3 January 2019

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Joined 3 January 2019
10 APR AT 12:45

ख़ोज रहा हूं वो पन्ना
जिसमें गुलाब दबाया था
क्या वो खुशबू अब भी होगी
या वो कागज़ अब भी भीगा होगा
क्या कुछ धुंधले अक्षर होंगे
या फिर उजला पन्ना होगा
मन कातर है मेरा भीतर,
क्या वो पन्ना अब भी होगा?


10 APR AT 11:45

इमली का बूंटा


11 FEB AT 0:38

कर्म करने से संतोष रहता है
संतोष से संताप मिटता है
संतोषी बनो, कर्म करो


2 FEB AT 11:17

Dear Muse,
I miss the warmth of your words.
That sensuality within. I am drying out of all that makes me a human. I beg your dearly return. Embrace me please I am pleading. For I am deprived of everything I had in your embrace. I want that lost lust back. I want that craving for you back. I want those seductive eyes and that glare back. Give me which I earned, give me what I owned. Come back to me... Give me the love back muse. Drench me in your love. Drawn me in your lust..
Oh dear Muse. Come back.


21 DEC 2023 AT 23:19

After the long and bloody war
He returned to the castle
Covered in rot
All bloody pale and full of scar
He sought the gold dust and some rest
To be wrapped in skin
He closed his eyes
And with all his love and all his warmth
He called her name spreading his arms
He stood there waited, looking for her— % &His arms are stonned and legs are frozen
Scars are left to be deepened
His eyes left sight and heart left beat
Oh! The dear genie of the castle,
He still waits in the rabble
All stonned and scars deepened
Just your nimble touch
Is all he needs to feel alive.
Come back in the castle.
The ruins of it are falling apart
It's your soul the dweller one
If lives in him he lives on..
— % &


12 SEP 2023 AT 12:25

And to this day.
He Waited
Hopelessly, heartlessly, lifelessly
And miracle happened
And the muse emerged
And he gained



31 OCT 2022 AT 23:18

खुशी मुझे छू कर गुज़री है
शायद कहीं वो चेहरा मुस्कुराया है


30 OCT 2022 AT 8:29

रेगिस्तान के घर में भी क्या बारिश होती होगी
क्या आब बरसता होगा या लौ बरसती होगी
क्या बसते हैं बाशिंदे, वहां?
क्या हलक नहीं सुखा करते जब लौ बरसती होगी?
क्या तपिश नहीं हुआ करती जब आब बरसता होगा
कब सुकून मिलता होगा ज़र्रे ज़र्रे को?
जब आब बरसता होगा, या लौ बरसती होगी


14 OCT 2022 AT 22:48

To my life: Please be like this; blank prompt


11 SEP 2022 AT 21:28

Of all those perishable,
I am the non-perishable
Remember every year
I remain in your soul
And renew in the soil,
I depart this year
To come a new again
Hence, I have to go now


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