Aritra Chakraborty  
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Joined 17 November 2023

Joined 17 November 2023
17 NOV 2023 AT 21:41

Resurgence of a Hollow man

Drowning in the shadows
I asked myself
wheather the darkness is of the night
Or my hollow core?
I don't even know myself anymore.

In a frame made of straws
Can there be a spine?
Behind the subtle smile
Am I truly fine?

In a room full of rights and wrongs
Can I be my own thing?
Betwixt the death's kingdoms
Is there a space worth living?

A few sparkling faces from the cosmos
Peeked through my window
Pierced my sins and shattered the ego.
Touched me with a light of redemption
And whispered - let go.


17 NOV 2023 AT 19:19


In the late hours of night I stare at the sky Laying on the grass, recollecting memories.

The river of lights floods the fields, with bright light Even in the darkest night,

The glittering dust from the interstellar clouds Cures me," Rejuvenates me.


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