Aparna (अपर्णा)   (Aparna)
198 Followers · 33 Following

Asking for time ..
Joined 7 March 2020

Asking for time ..
Joined 7 March 2020
3 APR 2022 AT 7:46

I am a very emotional invested person. When some of your close people ditch you or don't care about your sentiment there should be no punishment for them except for removing them from your heart, nor remove them from any of your social media. Don't make them realise what you feel or felt. Just remove them from that space of your heart that you have given. I know you have shown your love, loyalty and honesty but detach these emotions and never allow your heart to grow the same emotions for those people again.


11 MAY 2021 AT 9:08

I just espy those stars who made an amity to me,
I crossed the thunder too,
I faced those minor major stoney winds
Still waiting to see close glimpse


25 APR 2021 AT 17:26

Look your own moves, before criticizing others


12 APR 2021 AT 20:25

I stare silently
That flash of sunlight
I observe
Those small particles moving
I dare to touch
Those mild light
And i experience
The beauty of nature


9 APR 2021 AT 20:03

The faith is fading away
Tears in the rain
I m far from love

No love is left


6 APR 2021 AT 12:13

Laudable, like not punishing yourself inside
Just like giving a steam bath to your emotions so they will bloom and glow
Forgiveness is piece of satisfaction


4 APR 2021 AT 22:00

Of those whose ego is primary than emotions
Don't care about the mini and major sacrifices
Of course one day they will die with regret inside


4 APR 2021 AT 21:51

We all are moving in river of struggle
We all are learning something everyday
We all are experiencing the beauty of pain
We all are crying deep inside
One day
We will become master of these
One day
We will win


22 JAN 2021 AT 19:47

तीखे शब्द तुम्हारे
तुम्हारी गलतफहमी मेरे लिए
तुम्हारा झूठ
पर सुनो तुम अपनी करवाहट बरकरार रखना
ताकि हर मौसम यह मेरे लिए खिले।


3 JAN 2021 AT 18:57

It's good to be rude, so noone can make you debilitate
It's good to have an apathy, so noone can generate attraction inside you
And it's too good to be a warrior
Just to survive in real world


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