Aparna Appz Ā  (The_poetric_blends)
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Here to Blossom šŸŒø up the era of poetry .
Joined 21 July 2018

Here to Blossom šŸŒø up the era of poetry .
Joined 21 July 2018
8 FEB 2022 AT 19:09

I have never read anything
as Soothing and Beautiful
as the poems you wrote on my
Lips with your Kiss.


2 FEB 2022 AT 8:10

And every other morning since the day I met you,
I woke up with a Smile.
A Smile of Immense Satisfaction,
A Smile of Bouncing Happiness,
A Smile of Having been found,
A Smile of Sheer Feelings Profound.


2 JAN 2022 AT 9:04

One day during a brightest winter night,
When the cold wind bit sharply spiking into the skin,
A shooting star wending its way across the dense azure sky,
Stopped by to ask me for my wish,
And all I could think of is to ask it to bring you to me,
So that my fingers can find it's comforting way in between yours,
And my torso can enjoy the warmth around your arms,
While our soul dances to the rhythm of the Universe
Unpretentious of the time Swish.


16 NOV 2021 AT 18:43

If you give me the option,
between an old huge castle in the heaven
and a golden palace filled with the most priced possessions
to have my shelter,
I would still choose your Armsā¤


1 NOV 2021 AT 9:27

My October Learnings-

1)I learned it in the hard way that letting go of someone is also Love.

2)Change is the ultimate truth and Lets not get deceived by the sham of Constant.

3)The hope that lifts the spirits high to stand for the good, is the same hope that works as a motivation for evil.

4)Move on, its alright. There should be no guilt attached in finding your Happiness.

5) Your Vibes Don't Lieā¤


5 OCT 2021 AT 12:47

You hide the secret cries with the stars,
That you can't reveal.
You want to share those void emotions,
That you can't express.
You want to unfold the knots,
That pulls you down in darkness.
You want to go back in time to the day,
That if done differently might have changed your fate.
You want to smile with sunshine,
That may bloom your hope.
This "Sometimes" is hard to elapse,
Tick-Tock of clock Freezes,
Length of Darkest Hour Increases,
Voice Turns to Whisper,
Whisper to muteness,
Turning heart to stone,
Dying slowly and so Cold.


30 AUG 2021 AT 20:58

I had an ocean of Love within me,
Seamlessly Flowing for those who needed it.
But all that I got in return was
Plastic connection's , Debris filled Trust, Clogged Happiness and Toxic mental pressure,
Killing me Bit by Bit.

Now when I Look back I wish I didnt had an Ocean of love within me.
Just a Glass Full of Love might have been sufficient,
If then I would have choosen wisely whom to Share each essential Droplet of Love With,
Because Life's Never a Fairy Tale
Here everything is not Magic but just a Myth.


11 AUG 2021 AT 21:51

I Have always told You the Truth,
I would Never lie.
I look at you
with all of my Soul.
You hold my gaze for moments Longer than anything in this world.
I wish You could see yourself Through My Eyes,
Maybe then you will understand How dearly Loved You are,
And that How much my body and soul craves for your touch
Deferring the fact of you being far.


15 JUL 2021 AT 2:29

Never thought an absence could do so much more than the presence did.
I met a stranger,
Who,now, is in my next walk of life.
A void, that aligned me to my destiny.
Yes!! Yuanfen worked for me!!

She was too far for a hug, yet so close to feel.
This distance has kept this dearth in drunken mystery,
Yet never stopped us from building our chemistry!

We elegantly travelled a long way,
With our hearts still long away.
We did have our fears and confusions.
But our jealousy showed how much we love each other, than how insecure we were.

We moulded our journey lovingly,
but still,
Here I am waiting for a day, when i dont have to miss you anymore.
-Rahul Kumar


14 JUL 2021 AT 1:04

"The 30 Days"
Let me take you to a Story of a Boy and a Girl-
They met in zoom in between Loop and Curls,
Class was Same, Places were Different
Among them who ever guessed,
A Termless flame of Love would Ignite.
As the torn pieces of their Soul had collide.

String of Friendship, They held Softly,
From Teasing to Talking they moulded it Lovingly,
Coins Tossed,The Emotions have Crossed
Another State, but their Feelings for each other had never Lost.

From Me to "WE", the situations have changed,
The arrogant Girl, Now loves someone endlessly,
And the Shy Guy, Now Writes poem's on his feelings - selflessly.

Elegantly the Time passed By ,
Its now been 30 days since they have First said Hi,
They too are scared not knowing what their destiny would be
But Their Faith in Love
and Trust in Eachother was enough to make them Cross any Sea.


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