Anushka kanoongo  
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Joined 13 September 2017

Joined 13 September 2017
8 APR AT 18:42

ये तो गहरी खाई हैं
जिस पल तुमने बोझ फ़ेका
उस पल सारी रुसवाई हैं
अकेला रहा वो इंसान
जिसने जिम्मेदारियों का पल्ला झाड़ा
बड़ा आसान हैं
तू तुमने करना
बड़ा मुश्किल हैं साहब
ख़ुद कुछ कर दिखाना
ज़िंदगी परीक्षाओं का समूह हैं
कितनो से बच पाओगे
साहस रखो थोड़ा
तुम यूँ पार निकल जाओगे


8 APR AT 18:30

In a presence of a choice, always choose. Decision over chance.

Live by humility and act with kindness. It can never go wrong.


1 APR AT 23:30

Truth be told, I never enjoyed you. It wasn’t you perhaps, just the timing of seasons and school curriculum. You were somewhere in middle, sunny yet can’t have ice cream days, the wait for mangoes begin from you, and summer vacation of course. You seem the slowest to pass among all the months. I thought when I will grow up, it will be fine. But man, you tend to have important days even in adulthood. And you tell me who likes to do taxes, it is the most tedious of process. Yet, I begin to like you, you are the start of spring, the season of colors and somehow you are bringing them to me, my heart gets vibrant seeing all the colors you bring. You make my heart happy and for that I am grateful. Welcome, April.


26 MAR AT 0:28

Love from afar

I have learned to love from afar. I could love you and still let you go. I began to understand that love doesn’t always mean presence. Sometimes it could simply be just love and nothing else. I developed boundaries that states, “I can love you from a distance, be happy in your happiness and pray in your pain. For my love to exist, it doesn’t need to have a relationship or expectations. I can love and respect you in my heart and I don’t need you to acknowledge me in any way. I could care for you from afar and that’s good for me and my peace”.

You see I started to choose the people who can be close to me and know me, and anyone that disrupts my inner peace stays outside that circle. I learned to give love without making it known.


18 MAR AT 21:44

Seeking answers with a risk of hearing uncomfortable truths or lies


18 MAR AT 21:41

कुछ वक़्त था, कुछ पल थे
कभी थिरकते मेरी धड़कनों के साथ
कभी मचलते मेरे मन के साथ
कुछ पल ऐसे थे जिन्हें समझने से पहले ही
वो निकल गये मेरे हाथ से

दोड़ती रही मैं सात समंदर पार
जैसे कभी मिलेगा मुझे वो जो गुम हो गया
कभी रास्तों में उलझती मैं, कभी झाकती पलकों तले
कहीं मिल जाये वो सपने मेरे
जो निकल गये मेरे हाथ से

कुछ शिकवे थे, कुछ गिले थे
सम्भालें जिन्हें मैंने नन्ही सी इस जान में
नये सपनों की चाह में, नये अपनों की राह में
अच्छा ही हुआ जो शिकवे
यूँ निकल गये मेरे हाथ से


13 MAR AT 23:51

दुख बाँट चलो
ख़ुशियों की पोटली बाँध चलो
थोड़ा सहज ले साथ चलो
कुछ बात करते चलो
कुछ हास्य करते चलो
रख हाथ में हाथ चलो
रस्मों में बाँध चलो
मेरे साथ चलो
दुख बाँट चलो


13 MAR AT 22:15

‘You think? Okay, good to know, I guess’
‘No, you know what I mean!’
‘Umm clearly, I don’t’
‘You readers, hmm, let me rephrase that -
When I look at you, I see immense possibilities yet I feel calm. I am on edge of my seat to listen every word that comes from you, no matter the language. I believe I am stumbling at the moment and I will fall sooner than you probably can imagine. And I want you to start imagining because you are making me yours as every second goes by.’


13 MAR AT 22:05

दुख बाँट चलो
ख़ुशियों की पोटली बाँधो
थोड़ा सहज ले साथ चलो
कुछ बात करो
कुछ हास्य करो
रखों हाथ में हाथ
रस्मों में बाँध चलो
मेरे साथ चलो
दुख बाँट चलो


13 MAR AT 7:59

Thumping of heart,
fear in your veins and
Courage in your brain
for the destination ahead.


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