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Joined 14 March 2018

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Joined 14 March 2018
10 OCT 2023 AT 19:19

She wears her heart on her sleeve and her blessings as a crown.


31 MAY 2020 AT 22:47

Dare not chain her in the shackles of societal norms,
Her grit, I bet, you neither can contain nor deform,
She is a free bird meant to fly up in the sky,
Her ambition beyond you imagine, soars high, so high.


18 MAR 2018 AT 15:35

कहते हैं हर स्त्री में देवी का वास है,
इसलिये तो हर स्त्री बहुत खास है,
किसी स्त्री को अबला और बेबस
समझने की भूल कभी न करना,
अपने कुकर्मों का परिणाम सोच
कर ज़रूर डरना।

कोई भी स्त्री लाचार नहीं,
उसकी अवहेलना का दुस्साहस
कभी करना नहीं,
हर स्त्री है माँ दुर्गा का अवतार,
वो पूजनीय है उनका सम्मान
करना ही तुम्हारा परम धर्म है
कर लो ये स्वीकार।


24 MAY 2020 AT 22:18

ईद के चाँद जैसी खूबसूरत है वो,
उसका दीदार होते ही नज़रें हटती ही नहीं।


18 MAY 2020 AT 21:57

Maturity is when you make peace with the fact that we will be spending the entire 2020 in lockdown.


11 MAY 2020 AT 23:59

Whenever I feel vulnerable,
Whenever in dread I tremble,
When all I wish is to uncontrollably ramble,
When I need a boost so unshakable,
When my emotions seem undecipherable,
Only in her embrace I let my tangled self untangle,
Oh, her warmth I tell you is unrivalled,
I wonder how she's always so understandable.

When people rebuke me for being unfathomable,
When to others my anguish appears unperceivable,
But to her how is everything about me still comprehensible?
When I seem to be a mess incorrigible,
When everything to me appears irreparable,
Only she knows how my broken pieces assemble,
The reason why she is incomparable,
A mother's love is truly unbelievable.


10 MAY 2020 AT 1:45

Because you easily read my silence even if I choose to keep my lips sealed which obviously no one else can.
Because only you comprehend the sudden upsurge of my emotions so effortlessly as if my heart were your heart.


9 MAY 2020 AT 12:04

There wasn't the quarantine trend,
Now all we do is stay at home, type "I miss the good old days", click on send;
Post endless memes, selfies and videos out of boredom in lockdown, oh, look how we express mirth and how we pretend!
Hoping this dreadful phase soon ends.


8 MAY 2020 AT 21:45

the world of fiction more intensely than
the real world.

people here are viciously way more fabricated than the characters in fictions.


5 MAY 2020 AT 19:57

Learn to respect women.
Know that they are not materials meant for objectification. Know that they are not toys to be played with. Understand they have emotions too which you must empathize with. Understand they have a heart too which must be apprehended. Understand that they have their choices and voices too which should be reckoned with. Understand that their bodies are not just meant for your carnal desires or pleasure. They are not tissue paper which can easily be used and thrown away. They have feelings too which should never be taken for granted. They deserve every bit of the love and respect this world has. They are just as valuable and worthy of esteem as your mother, sister, wife and daughter are. You must never make them feel devaluated. Respect them no less than a goddess because that's what we have always been taught since childhood. Haven't you been taught the same? Well, it's never too late to learn a lesson. Do learn and abide by it from now on if you haven't already.
Always keep in mind that every woman on this Earth deserves utmost respect irrespective of who she is or what she does.


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