ankita Yadav   (Ankita Yadav.)
287 Followers · 15 Following

Biotechnologist, radiologist, writer..
Insta id - inked_by_thantophobic
Joined 28 May 2019

Biotechnologist, radiologist, writer..
Insta id - inked_by_thantophobic
Joined 28 May 2019
22 SEP 2023 AT 17:33

Life has knocked me down every single time it got the chance to do so, and I kept standing back up,
often with your help.
But this time, it shattered everything, including my heart and soul,
by taking you away from me.
This time, I don't have the courage to stand back up again.
Let me remain buried this time.
I am just too tired, especially when you are not by my side


11 SEP 2023 AT 18:17

At times, I find myself struggling to move forward,
feeling adrift without a clear purpose or direction.
I wonder what I truly desire,
what I want to accomplish,
and where I can rediscover the happiness I've lost for years.
Is it just me, or does anyone else resonate with this feeling?
Life often resembles a journey through thorns as we relentlessly seek those elusive flowers,
We endure the pain,struggling to maintain our pace,
all in pursuit of that ephemeral moment of happiness.
However, when that moment finally arrives, the weight of our journey can overshadow the joy it brings..


20 AUG 2023 AT 4:23

"For once, I yearn for this darkness to engulf me,
Finding it preferable than black arrays which are scattered on my so-called life.
No as such hope is left in me,
I often wonder, if I were to vanish, would anyone seek me out?
Only to realize, not even my own shadow reaches for me at this depth of darkness..


12 AUG 2023 AT 1:48

In the depths of your absence, I buried myself,
Feelings, happiness, and emotions stashed away,
What remains is this unending pain,
A life bound to the memories we once shared.

You loved me more than life itself,
A blessing, a happiness now distant,
In those moments, life was worth living,
Now, I cling to the remnants, a fading hue.

I'm barely surviving, a leaden existence,
Without you, it's a struggle to endure,
Release me, let me fall, end this torment,
Or return to me, hold me close once more..


24 JUL 2023 AT 16:38

I know our souls will always find each other,
no matter the dimensions we traverse
or the bodies we inhabit.
Time and distance hold no power over
the eternal bond we share.
Yet, at times, the longing to hold you in my arms again
becomes overwhelming.
I yearn to hear your voice, your melodious laughter,
just once more.
The ache in my heart feels insurmountable,
and I seek solace from this torment.
I yearn for a way to connect with you
beyond the realms of existence.
Please, end this pain,
release me from this torment, I am so weary.
Either return to me,
or take me with you to where you reside."


17 DEC 2022 AT 12:27

I guess in paraller universe,
we both are still sitting on shore,
talking relentless about the depth of ocean,
and how beautiful the blue coloured sky looks,
how differently shaped are the fluffy clouds..

Now here i am sitting on ground,
just by the shore looking at the ocean and sky,
And i realised this represents us,
You soaring up high in the sky,
and I am trying to reach out to you with every clashing wave of ocean...


24 OCT 2022 AT 14:29

Everyone's house is lighten up with Diyas'
Mine is still surrounded by darkness..


21 OCT 2022 AT 19:14

Don't prioritize people
who don't give two fucks about you..


10 OCT 2022 AT 16:37

I know everyday won't be sunshine,
But one can always feel optimistic and confident
if they have strong mind..


10 OCT 2022 AT 16:34

The only thing which has the absolute power to control the whole world,
Still we neglect to take care of it is
cleanse it on day to day basis and then there is nothing which can stop you to Shine..


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