Ankita Agrawal   (@Khushi)
345 Followers · 90 Following

Cut the cake on 18th may
Poem lover
Joined 26 June 2019

Cut the cake on 18th may
Poem lover
Joined 26 June 2019

हाथी और चींटी की दोस्ती
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In the quiet rooms of my heart
There is often screaming echoes
Of the voices of pain and suffering
That is outright unendurable
The sleeping rusts
Given by you,dear love
Remain unheard to the surrounding
I am the solitary listener

My heart,dear love,is pumping
Grief nowadays
Instead of blood
And every nerve is
shrinking gradually
I wish you to indwell
Within me,listen to the screaming
Loud voices
And watch me die every second..



अतीत आइना है
//Read caption//....


30 APR AT 10:20

Not a sound eternal sleep
Engraved in a graveyard,
With a tombstone written
Few lines of obituary and R.I.P.

Not a ritual of last rites
Taken in a bier to the burial
It's a celebration of tradition
Covered in a piece pall..

Not a breathless anatomy
lost conscince and sense
To rebirth and reform
It's breathing suffocated air
In an Era of Independence❤️


29 APR AT 13:43

Bumblebees whisper into
the ears of flowers,
waves that waver in
the arms of the ocean,
Music is heard in its own style

Bees steal honey from
flowers by humming.
The bird wakes us up
in the morning by chirping

The moon brings
lullabies with her
She comforts the world
with her sweetness

In this way even
the language of
the voiceless becomes
the music of nature❤️


29 APR AT 13:17

स्याही से ख़त तक का सफ़र
(Read caption.....)


28 APR AT 11:44

I have read,heard,felt
and believed inevitably
The relation of blood
Is superior
Who can make me feel
At home ubiquitous
When i met you
And plum for you
I got a new definition
The fluid flowing all over
The framework of physique
Doesn't always belong to familiarity
The smell of familiarity
you possess is
Extraordinary ❤️


27 APR AT 23:15

मैंने रात से पूछा:
सबेरे के सूरज चमकता है
सब जागते हैं,चलते-फिरते,
गाते -गुनगुनाते
अपने-अपने काम पर जाते हैं
तुम काली अंधेरी खोई खोई सी
अकेली रह जाती हो बुरा नहीं लगता....

रात का बहुत खुबसूरत जवाब:
कभी आधे तो कभी पूरे चाँद से
टिमटिमाते तारों के बिच
सबेरे के साथ थके हुए लोग
मेरे आंचल में सिमट कर आराम करते हैं
सारी दुनिया मेरे आंचल में आकर
अपनी थकावत मिटाती है
मैं काली अँधेरी होकर भी
अकेली हूं, अकेली नहीं....


27 APR AT 14:07

From the cage of the
Framework of physique
And let it fly
In the ajure sky
To find with the eternal peace


27 APR AT 14:03

An opportunity to enjoy power

A responsibility to deal with it


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