Ankit Yadav   (Ankit)
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Joined 20 May 2018
6 JUN 2021 AT 18:58

In a world full of people overreacting to things, may be, just try to be that one who chooses to ignore the attention all the angels disguised as influencers are seeking.


4 JUL 2021 AT 13:20

We have all heard the story of three wishes in one or the other form. The story fits well in the real life too. Just that, to fulfil three wishes, it takes us to give up three things of our choice. Problem lies in the fact that we really don't know what should we wish for and what we should give up.


18 DEC 2020 AT 20:43

यूँ दिल को टूटते देर नहीं लगती,
कोहरा हो घना तो सुबह, सबेर नहीं लगती,

अरज सुनने में यूँ देर ना कर ए ख़ुदा
तुझे तो पता है सपनों को बदलते देर नहीं लगती


5 DEC 2020 AT 18:17

तेरे रूबरू होना चाहें कभी,
कभी तेरी यादों में खोने को दिल करे
तुझे हर पल हंसाना चाहें कभी,
कभी तेरे ग़म में रोने का दिल करे
तेरे संग चलना चाहें कभी,
और कभी तेरे बिन मरने का दिल करे
अब और क्या कहें क्या कश्मकश है
तेरी यादों में आने की दुआ करें कभी,
और कभी यादों से तुझे भुलाने को दिल करे


24 NOV 2020 AT 10:00

Nobody is perfect. You just need to find out the imperfections worth bearing.


19 NOV 2020 AT 12:08

You know you're getting older when
you want to say "god bless you",
soon after you complement someone. 🥰


8 NOV 2020 AT 19:46

What was relevant back then is absurd today, what is relevant today will be absurd tomorrow.


25 OCT 2020 AT 21:06

People become wise enough to break a barrier only when they themselves don't fit in certain criteria.


26 SEP 2020 AT 11:07

ये इश्क़ नहीं आसां
बस इतना समझ लीजिए,
एरोगेन्स और इगो का दरिया है
और लड़ झगड़ के जाना है


19 SEP 2020 AT 11:55

Sometimes results are more exciting - unrevealed,
Sometimes words are more valuable - untold,
Sometimes feelings are more intense - unexpressed,
I am not telling you to leave your story incomplete, but
Sometimes stories are more intriguing - unfinished.


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