Anjali Prasad   (* A N J A L I *)
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Joined 28 May 2018

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Joined 28 May 2018
19 JAN 2022 AT 2:47

Urgent conversations.


18 AUG 2021 AT 17:09

It was a fairytale-
You and I...


9 JUL 2021 AT 23:39

Number blocked.
Chats deleted.
Pictures archived.
They had let each other go for each other's peace.
She unblocks him every night just to stare the word 'online' under his name and then blocks him again.
Every night, that one word over a blank chat becomes her solace.
Knowing that he exists somewhere out there, in the same world as hers, is her way to a peaceful sleep.
Sometimes, some stories are meant to remain unfulfilled.
Maybe that is why it's the incomplete stories are the most difficult to forget.


2 JUL 2021 AT 22:46

तुम नहीं तो ना सही,
तुम्हारी वो बिसरी-सी याद सही,
तुम नहीं तो ना सही,
तुम्हारी वो अधूरी-सी मुलाक़ात सही,
तुम नहीं तो ना सही,
तुम्हारी वो अनकही-सी बात सही,
तुम नहीं तो ना सही,
तुम्हारी वो अनसुनी-सी फरियाद सही।।

तुम नहीं तो ना सही,
खैर, हम नहीं तो ना सही...
तुम्हारा खुद से खुद को ढूँढना सही।
तुम्हारा खुद से खुद का पाना सही।
तुम्हारे लिए 'तुम' जरूरी हो
ये समझना सही।।
और 'गर उसके लिए,
जो "मैं" नहीं...
तो ना सही।।


22 JUN 2021 AT 0:20

उसे छूए बिना भी इश्क़ करते रहना ही शायद
तुम्हारे मुकम्मल इश्क़ की सबसे बड़ी निशानी है!


18 MAY 2021 AT 18:03

Remember the song that wasn't your usual type and you still listened to it on loop just because someone dedicated it to you?
The song that creeped its way in your playlist and never got out?
The song that was your solace when things in your head became too much?
The song that made you feel pretty and sufficient on your worst days when you even refused to get out of your pajamas?
The song that made you smile like an idiot when you were about to cry?
Yes that one song that sounds like a lie now.
The song that made everything better,
Now sounds nothing more than a bunch of words just strung haphazardly together.
The song that lost its spell over arguments.
The song that made you feel perfectly perfect, now makes you feel just ordinary.
The same song that you now delete because it holds no meaning anymore.


19 APR 2021 AT 13:37

ये दुनिया भरी पड़ी है बर्बाद लोगों से,
जो सँवार पाओ किसी को तो फिर कहना...


9 APR 2021 AT 10:47

His status changes from Online to

My heart skips a beat.


2 APR 2021 AT 16:17

बात करके भी सुकून हैं
तुझसे झगड़ के भी सुकून हैं।
तेरा बार-बार रूठना मंज़ूर,
हमें बार-बार तुझे मनाना क़ुबूल।
बस एक तेरी नाराज़गी ही हैं
जो यूँ दिल तोड़ जाती हैं...


31 MAR 2021 AT 23:36

किसीने एक दफा पूछा हमसे की ऐसा क्या हैं जो तुम्हें बेचैन कर जाता हैं?
हमने जवाब में तेरे लिखें पुराने ख़त दिखा दिए।
उसने फिर पूछा की फिर सुकून कैसे पाते हो?
हमने जवाब में फिर से वहीं खत दिखा दिए।

अब कहा उसे ये समझा पाते कि हमारे लिए दोनों एक ही तो हैं।


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