Anirban Datta Roy   (© Anirban Datta Roy)
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Joined 9 April 2017

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Joined 9 April 2017
24 MAR AT 0:37

In the quiet of his soul, burdens he bears,
For study's weight and job's unending stairs.
Family's needs weigh heavy, a solemn vow,
Partner's desires, he strives to endow.

Dreams set aside, for others he'll toil,
Yet in the silence, his heart does boil.
"You never did enough," echoes the strife,
In the depths of sacrifice, he carves a life. 🤞🏻


22 JAN AT 0:44

In Ayodhya's embrace, a celestial tale unfolds,
Pran Pratistha of Lord Shri Ram, a saga of old.
A sacred hymn in every heartbeat, we sing,
Unity and dharma, to the heavens, we bring. 🙏🏻

On this hallowed day, proud hearts unite,
Jai Shri Ram, a mantra, a beacon of light.
In Ayodhya's sacred soil, history retold,
All Indians stand proud, in reverence, bold. 🙏🏻


31 DEC 2023 AT 2:08

In the dance of days, as 2023 takes its bow,
Gratitude blooms for those with me now.
To friends and kin, your support profound,
You've sculpted my journey, joy all around.

Even to those who turned away,
Your absence birthed strength, led my way.
For in every twist, each rise and fall,
I stand here today, thankful for all.


28 NOV 2023 AT 0:36

Growing older, life's relentless stage,
25+ years, an unwelcome cage.
Job pressures mount, a daily grind,
Unknown burdens of settling, responsibilities bind.

Parenting parents, a role unclear,
Far from home, Mumbai, I persevere.
In solitude, questions echo loud,
Uncertainties cloak like a persistent shroud.

Life's toughness, a heavy weight,
Navigating challenges, a daunting fate.
Yet in the struggle, resilience is enough,
For in adversity, the boy finds his tough.


27 JUN 2023 AT 0:55

In this stage of life, we find ourselves,
Once a distant dream, now our reality dwells.
We stand here, where once we yearned to be,
A testament to dreams and possibility.

Yet this is not the end, but just the start,
For dreams persist and dance within our heart.
We dream of futures, yet unknown and unseen,
Of moments waiting to unfold, so serene.

So let us cherish this stage we have found,
Embrace the dreams that still abound.
For what we dream today, tomorrow may bring,
And in that truth, we find hope's sweetest ring.


5 JUN 2023 AT 0:10

Detachment is tough, a challenging art,
When bonded souls feel their love depart.
A cherished person, etched in the heart's core,
Their absence echoes, leaving souls sore.

Yet, in letting go, new strength is found,
To grow, to heal, on love's sacred ground.
Detachment's embrace, bittersweet and rare,
For in releasing love, we find solace there.


28 MAY 2023 AT 1:08

In the realm of youth, where dreams alight,
A boy's heart burns with hope so bright.
Expectation's whispers fuel his flight,
Between 25 and 30, a transformative height.

But reality, a gentle wake-up call,
Unveils life's complexities, big and small.
The dreams once lofty, now grounded in sight,
As responsibilities and challenges ignite.

The boy becomes a man, his spirit refined,
Navigating the maze of life, unconfined.
Expectation and reality, a delicate dance,
Guiding him forward, in this fleeting chance.


21 MAY 2023 AT 14:39

In a world unknown, a boy did stray,
Leaving behind his home, in search of a way.
To earn his keep and shoulder life's weight,
With responsibilities vast, his path to navigate.

Miles he traversed, leaving kin and kinship,
Arriving in a realm where tears dared not slip.
For society's chains had bound his tender heart,

Yet within his soul, emotions sought release,
Beneath the facade, a tempest yearned for peace.
For strength lies not in stifling tears of pain,
But in embracing vulnerability, breaking society's chain.


14 MAY 2023 AT 0:24

To the epitome of love, grace, and strength,
A tribute to the mother who goes to any length.

With gentle hands and a heart so kind,
You nourish our souls, a love so divine.

A beacon of warmth, a guiding light,
Your love shines through, like stars in the night.

On this special day, we honor your worth,
Happy Mother's Day, the queen of my earth.


7 APR 2023 AT 1:08

Her heart is a vast and open sea
Overflowing with love and empathy,
She's a beacon of hope in the darkest night
A source of comfort, a shining light.

Her touch is a balm, a soothing embrace
Her kindness, an endless, selfless grace,
She's the beat in my heart, the air that I breathe
In her love and care, I am free to be me.

She's the queen of my heart, my soul's true mate
Her love, a treasure, forever great,
In her arms, I find my safe haven
Her caring nature, a gift from heaven. ❤️


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