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Joined 14 December 2023

Joined 14 December 2023
18 DEC 2023 AT 9:36

who brings joy into your weekdays.


18 DEC 2023 AT 9:33

It's okay to have an opinion on things you aren't the person you were 10 years ago. Even if you are afraid, it's okay to want to change and express yourself without feeling that you are a bother or an inconvenience. You can tell your friends that you don't like to go to clubs every Friday, you can decide which restaurant you want to try, you can ask them to change something if you feel uncomfortable, you can tell them to respect your boundaries if they overstep. You are allowed not to be nice to the family members who are always mocking you, you can be a part of planning a trip rather than just saying "oh, anything's fine". people aren't adjusting to your needs. you are just finding balance and being involved the way it suits you.


18 DEC 2023 AT 9:26

My sunday's sunlit stories turned in pages of serene who whispered, a peaceful getaway written in golden moments."


17 DEC 2023 AT 17:32

To forgive and to forget.


15 DEC 2023 AT 7:45

is to accept what it's offered.


15 DEC 2023 AT 7:39

"Painful and challenging as our experiences may be, those are the things that add color to our lives."


15 DEC 2023 AT 7:32

"There are times when that memory is nice to revisit, and there are also memories that you want to forcibly forget."


14 DEC 2023 AT 20:51

"When the moonlight whispers secrets to the stars, and the silence of the night cradles the world in a gentle embrace, that's when I feel like writing—pouring my thoughts onto the canvas of the quiet hours, letting words dance beneath the soft glow of inspiration."


14 DEC 2023 AT 20:47

the first rays of dawn paint the sky with hues of possibility, and the world is wrapped in the quiet promise of a new beginning.


14 DEC 2023 AT 20:37

I write when my heart starts to bleed.


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