Anannya Choudhury   (Anannya)
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I am an amateur writer trying to put up my thoughts into words.
Joined 14 December 2022

I am an amateur writer trying to put up my thoughts into words.
Joined 14 December 2022
8 MAR AT 9:50

A woman is like a river, flowing with grace,
Navigating life's twists and turns with gentle pace.
She carries within her the secrets of the earth,
An eternal source of life, of love, of worth.

A woman is like a flame, burning bright,
Illuminating darkness with her radiant light.
She ignites passion and warmth in every soul,
A beacon of hope, making broken hearts whole.

A woman is like a garden, blooming with care,
Nurturing dreams with tender love and flair.
She cultivates beauty, both inside and out,
A testament to resilience, without a doubt.

A woman is like a melody, sweet and true,
Her voice, a symphony, breaking through.
She sings of joy, of pain, of triumph and defeat,
A masterpiece of life, each note bittersweet.


8 MAR AT 9:45

"Strength in Her Grace"

In every step, a story unfolds,
A tale of resilience, of courage untold.
With grace in her stride, and fire in her soul,
She's a force of nature, making the world whole.

From the whispers of history to the echoes of now,
She stands tall, with a determined brow.
Her voice, a melody, ringing loud and clear,
For justice, for equality, she holds dear.

On this day, we celebrate her might,
Her endless struggles, her unwavering fight.
For she's the beacon of hope, the guiding light,
A symbol of strength, shining bright.


31 DEC 2023 AT 17:22

December passed away like autumn leaves,
Whispering tales of the year it retrieves.
Quietly fading, a soft, wistful song,
In the arms of time, where moments belong.

Like a hushed lullaby, December drifted away,
A symphony of memories in shades of gray.
Gone like a fleeting dream in the night,
Leaving behind echoes of soft winter light.

It slipped away like a river's gentle flow,
Leaving traces of frost on paths we know.
December, a chapter in the book of the year,
A tale that lingers, in memories held dear.


28 DEC 2023 AT 22:05

Life after marriage

In the hush of vows, emotions untold,
A bride steps into a world, love unfolds.
Life after "I do," a delicate song,
In the ebb and flow, where hearts belong.

Her hand finds refuge in the warmth of his,
In whispered promises, sealed with a kiss.
Through the highs and lows, a tender dance,
Life after marriage, an emotional trance.

In shared glances and moments unspoken,
In the embrace of love, fears are broken.
Through tears and laughter, a sacred art,
Life after marriage, a journey of the heart.


12 NOV 2023 AT 18:31

Diwali lights, a radiant guide,
Symbolizing joy far and wide.
Diyas whisper tales of old,
Of triumph, warmth, and stories untold.

In their glow, hope takes flight,
A beacon through the darkest night.
Symbolizing unity, a vibrant array,
A celebration of the festive day.

Each flicker tells a tale profound,
Of love and joy that echo around.
Lighting up both heart and soul,
Symbolizing Diwali's eternal role.

A festival of light, a divine art,
Connecting every distant heart.
In every flame, a story writes,
Diwali lights symbolize endless delights.


6 OCT 2023 AT 6:54

"I'll read the last chapter first," you say,
A curious choice, in a unique way.
Skipping ahead in life's grand book,
To peek at the ending, to take a look.

But isn't it in the journey we find delight,
In the twists and turns, both day and night?
The chapters in between, they hold the key,
To understanding the tale of you and me.

For life's a story, with pages unturned,
Each lesson learned, each bridge we've burned.
So, read it front to back, don't miss a page,
Embrace the unknown, at every stage.

The last chapter may reveal the end,
But in the middle, that's where we mend.
The joys, the sorrows, the love we share,
Are woven together with utmost care.

So, read it all, from start to end,
For every chapter is a cherished friend.
And in the story of your life's grand span,
May you find happiness, your biggest plan.


6 OCT 2023 AT 6:42

Happiness is like a gentle, warming breeze,
It rustles through the leaves of life's grand trees.
A fleeting moment, a burst of pure delight,
A beacon in the darkness, a guiding light.

It's like a rainbow after the storm's embrace,
A smile that lights up every troubled face.
It dances in the laughter of a child at play,
And in the love that never fades away.

Happiness is like a treasure, hidden deep,
A promise that the soul will always keep.
It's found in simple moments, small and grand,
In every corner of this wondrous land.

So cherish it, embrace it, let it be your guide,
For happiness is like a river, deep and wide.
It flows within your heart, a constant stream,
A source of joy and hope, a timeless dream.


19 SEP 2023 AT 15:56

In the realm of bonds, both known and strange,
Friends and strangers, their roles exchange.
Friends like constellations, steadfast and bright,
Guide us through the darkest of nights.

Yet, strangers, too, hold a mystic allure,
New stories and experiences they assure.
In their uncharted tales, lessons we glean,
As life's intricate tapestry we continue to weave.

So treasure friends and greet strangers with a smile,
Each one's presence makes life worthwhile.
In this grand dance of connections, we find,
The beauty of both, intertwined.


14 SEP 2023 AT 15:05

"हिंदी: भाषा का इतिहास"

हिंदी की भाषा, इतिहास की दास्तान,
विविधता से भरी, यह धरोहर बहुत महत्वपूर्ण।

संस्कृत की छाया, धर्म और ज्ञान का संगम,
हिंदी की उत्कृष्टता, एक नई पहचान का प्रतीक।

मुघल साम्राज्य के दिनों, अकबर के दरबार में,
उर्दू और हिंदी का मिलन, नया रूप लिया यहाँ।

अंग्रेजों के आगमन के साथ, अपनी पहचान खोती हुई,
हिंदी ने विदेशी भाषा से, खुद को अपनाया प्यार से।

आज, हिंदी है हमारी शान, और एकता का प्रतीक,
विश्व में बढ़ रही, भारतीय संस्कृति का अगला लख्य।

इस भाषा के इतिहास से हम सिखें,
हिंदी की महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका, उसका महत्व समझें।

हिंदी दिवस पर, इसका गर्व मनाएं,
हम सभी, भाषा की अमूल्य धरोहर को समझें।


13 SEP 2023 AT 18:10

जिंदगी की मामूली बातें,
छोटी-छोटी खुशियाँ बिछाती हैं।
रंग-रूप बदलते सपनों की,
अनमोल मोमेंट्स वो याद दिलाती हैं।

हंसते हँसाते गुजरती ये रातें,
दोस्तों के साथ बिताती हैं।
जिंदगी की सफर में ये छोटी चीज़ें,
मनोरंजन की राहतें बन जाती हैं।

एक कप चाय की मिठास,
या बारिश की बूँदों का गीत।
जिंदगी की मामूली बातों में ही,
हमें सबसे अच्छा संगीत।

सपनों की रोशनी जो जगाती हैं,
मामूली बातों में छुपा आस्था।
जिंदगी की मामूली बातें हमें,
हर दिन हंसाती हैं, खुशी दिलाती हैं।


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