Alwin the Scribbler   (Alwin Sunil)
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Joined 30 April 2019

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Joined 30 April 2019

I searched the moonless sky,
I followed the summer winds,
All I found was never lost but ignored.


23 APR AT 21:36

Your love

My love.


15 APR AT 21:30

I rushed into washroom,
I slipped,
And dozed off...


14 APR AT 21:47

Someone really writes
you a testimonial as a dare.


14 APR AT 13:42


13 APR AT 21:59

I am unholy grave of the night,
I am brave but a fallen knight,
All the wisdom, magic and might,
Yet I lost my true destiny.


11 APR AT 16:28

In the moments of lost spirit,
I see a star drowning with light,
Beneath a hopeless sky,
Twinklings fighting eternal darkness,
Then the light clearing all the dark sky,
'though the star has yet to rise,
In the moments of lost spirit,
I see a star, eternal bright.


10 APR AT 21:37

I wandered for one true love,
Through heavens and hells,
Only to find it right beside me.


8 APR AT 2:42

You know you're telling a lie if you think, you can fix everything.
All the mistakes, excuses to avoid mistakes,
and doubts in your plans, nightmarish fears of not achieving your dreams...
Dont you think, all of these are aligning against you. These fears, doubts, uncertainties and procrastination are feeding on you, your dreams.
And what are you doing? You're avoiding, finding some sense of success which isn't yours. Pleasure that keeps you numb to real happiness. How long can you live like this.
May be forever... But at what cost? Will you bear the regrets and remorse of not doing anything. Do not think about the half-hearted efforts that you knew wouldn't get you to realize your dreams yet you wanted some satisfaction.
How much can you abandon before you can abandon yourself entirely and be as ordinary as they want you to be... (Read caption...)


7 APR AT 22:25

The friend you help study,
gets more marks than you...


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